Friday, May 8, 2015

May 8, 2015

Buy One Get One Free

It has been so rainy in Colorado lately that when I look out the window I imagine that I am in Ireland. Both of my schools had planned great outdoor carnivals for this evening but ended up setting it all up inside. Jumpy castles seem gigantic when they're blown up in the gym! I ran a Buy One Get One Book Fair at one of my schools. It is all in cases because it has to be portable so we can set it up in different places since the library is unavailable due guessed it...testing! It worked out well because we were right in the front lobby and the parents loved it...who doesn't like stuff for free! That is the purpose of BOGO - not to make a profit but to get books in the hands of kids for the summer. A bonus is to get to interact with students and their families while they're having fun. Also, working the Book Fair kept me out of the dunk tank and the Throw a Pie in a Teacher's Face booth!

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