Tuesday, June 30, 2015

June 30, 2015

June Flowers Bring Baby Shower

Sunday my sister Debby, Paige and I hosted a baby shower for my niece Erin at my home. This baby will be the first for Erin and Jon and first grandchild for Debby so there is a lot of excitement in the air! Because Erin and Jon live in Phoenix, the shower was also a great time for them to reconnect with Colorado friends and relatives. My sisters Barb and Lori were able to fly in as well. I have a call in to the Guinness folks because I'm pretty sure we broke a world record for longest Shower - but that is what made it so fun! We are still eating leftovers so stop by for some cake!

Erin and friends check out the food- yes those are Cheetos - tiger tails - for Auburn fan Jon!

Great cake!

Nieces Kaylynn and Chrisann attended

Sisters together- Debby, Barb, Lori, me and mom

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