Friday, June 26, 2015

June 26, 2015

Crime Boss

I have to confess to a crime. I have failed as a parent and almost forced my son into the dark side  as a wanted felon without him even realizing it. I am a shover - when company is coming, I tend to shove stray items, such as junk mail into drawers or baskets. This week I decided to sort through my basket since the height of the contents was approaching the ceiling. As I was digging, I came across a jury notice for Alex. Apparently he was supposed to report for jury duty in May....oops! I don't know why I didn't notice this when it came in the mail but it must have come during a particular busy shoving day. Anyway, I had to call and confess to Alex what I did and that he would not  be able to come home any time soon for fear of him being discovered and sent the the big house. Luckily, Alex has a smart head on his shoulders and contacted the powers that be, explained that he was out of state attending school, his mother was an airhead, and that he would be honored to be rescheduled for jury duty in September when his is back in the state. All has been forgiven and Alex is now back on the honorable path once again and will only be wearing orange to Bronco games. Whew!

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