Wednesday, July 1, 2015

July 1, 2015

Shaggy Dog No More

Reggae Max is what we have been calling our little dog because of his wild hair. You see, puppies cannot visit a groomer until they have had all of their shots and his "mommy" could not bear the screeching involved with trying to comb him. We therefore just pretended that he was a Jamaican breed and were embracing the dreadlocks...until today. Today our loyal groomer came calling for Max's first haircut. She had both dogs go out to her mobile shop together so Maggie could show her little brother how to behave at the spa. Wow were we surprised at the result! Max is even tinier and cuter than we thought and he was surprised because now his beautiful brown eyes, that had been hidden by the mop on his head, were exposed so he can see! I have since learned from the groomer the proper tools I need to purchase to groom him daily and keep him looking good!

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