Tuesday, July 7, 2015

July 7, 2015

If You Can't Get 'em, Join 'em!

Please indulge me as I share yet another cute Max story. In keeping with my new status of "crazy dog lady", I keep buying dog toys. When Scarlett was around, I didn't buy many because her attitude was "search and destroy" so dog toys didn't last very long. Since she has passed, Maggie is not tearing up toys anymore and little Max loves toys so I am more apt to buy them. Consequently, it looks like we have a doggie daycare with toys all over the house. When I was out and about the other day, (at Tuesday Morning on Monday morning) I found a cute dog toy basket that I thought would keep all the play things corralled. After filling it up with all our canine trinkets at home, I started hearing a choking sound. When I went to investigate, I found that every time Max tried to get a toy out of the basket, he would choke himself reaching his neck over the edge to grab a toy. I tried to teach him to put his paws up on the edge but some things puppies just need to figure out on their own and choke while trying! After awhile, when he found himself inside the basket, he just quit trying and took a nap. Tomorrow's another day....

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