Thursday, August 10, 2023

The Mighty Columbia

 August 9,2023

Before we hitched up this morning we went on a Starbucks run since we were in the middle of the city. I have a Starbucks mug problem and like to collect one from every state we visit. Unfortunately, I didn’t get a Utah one because the only store we could get to was out. This was a big problem during the pandemic and I’m still sad that I couldn’t snag a Hawaii one. Anyway, I successfully added an Idaho mug to my collection. 

Today we arrived in Oregon. The northeastern part is not as green as I expected Oregon to be. However, after Pendleton, we came upon the mighty Columbia river and things began to change. The Columbia River is huge. It’s too bad that poor California has to depend on the Colorado River which is wimpy compared to this gigantic water source! The other side of the river is the state of Washington and for some reason it is very windy in this area so therefore there were many kite surfers and wind surfers along the way. The highway stayed along side the river all the way to Cascade Locks where we are staying for a few nights so it was a very scenic drive. 

Our campground is surrounded by trees  - like camping in a forest. Unfortunately we can’t see the river for the trees (!) but we are right next to the train tracks which are used quite frequently! Since Don and I both grew up hearing trains during the night, we should both sleep just fine. 

Our goal for the rest of the day is to plan out our itinerary for our two days here…in our camping chairs….with a little wine..

The mighty Columbia

Bear is impressed with the river

Deep in the forest..

So happy!

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