Monday, August 7, 2023

Oregon Bound Day 1

Beautiful sunset, beautiful friends!

The view from our front door.

 August 6, 2023

We got the wagon (5th wheel)  packed to the hilt, hitched up the truck and headed out for our great Oregon adventure today . Of course we wanted an earlier start but keeping with tradition, packing took longer than expected because we packed everything we own..well close to it anyway!

Our first leg was an easy one -only to Palisade. I’m using a new RV app that was very helpful in organizing this adventure but for some reason the navigation was wanting us to take the long route through Kremling which would have added two hours. We didn’t follow its suggestions especially when it wanted us to go over Loveland pass. We finally figured out that I had entered the wrong height of our trailer (because Don rounded up) and the app was convinced that we wouldn’t fit in the Eisenhower tunnel. Since we had pulled the trailer through the tunnel before without losing our roof, we knew we would not have a problem. After that was resolved, we all got along much better.

It was 96 degrees in Palisade when we pulled in at 5:30pm. Once setup, we discovered that our air conditioners were not coming on..Fortunately we were headed out to have dinner with our friends, Tammy and Dwight who moved to Palisade a few months ago. We opened all the windows and hoped for a cool, breezy evening.

Dwight and Tammy have a beautiful house that has gorgeous views of the bluffs, vineyards and orchards that surround Palisade. An added bonus to the delicious dinner and local wine was that we also enjoyed the company of Dwight and Tammy’s son Braden and our long time friends, Adam and Ali who are also Palisade residents. Bear had fun playing with Daisy and Ollie too!

A great start to our west coast trek for sure!

P.S. We received our wish - the temperature cooled down with a nice breeze so we were as happy as a couple of Olathe corn cobs! 

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