Sunday, April 26, 2015

April 26, 2015

Meet Max!

Friday night we became parents again! Besides my lingering head cold and the drive to Fort Collins, this was my easiest labor yet. A few weeks ago, my friend Karen made me aware of a dog that needed a home. It had a bad bite. Why would I want a puppy that bit everyone? However, I soon realized that the puppy had an overbite and would need dental work. After much discussion and convincing my better half that we needed a. A new puppy b. A teeny, pocket dog puppy c. Said husband to do the dental work since he is, conveniently, a veterinarian  - we decided to expand our household although not by much. This little "morkie" (Maltese, Yorkie, Poodle) is currently a mere two pounds! He is 10 weeks old and as cute as a button. After much deliberating, we decided to name him Maxwell - as in Maxwell Smart but recently the Max he resembles is Max in the children's book, Where the Wild Things Are! He is a wild thing! Maggie is adapting and I think she kinds of likes him. We have fallen in love with him and will adore him even more when he is housebroken!

Maggie meets Max

My two furry kids!

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