Tuesday, April 14, 2015

April 14, 2015

Busy Mind

I made myself go to yoga today. I had a dozen excuses why I shouldn't but I decided I needed it. I was right. If you have ever been to yoga, you will know that the instructor always tells you to "calm your mind, let go of your day", etc. This is when I realize how noisy and busy my brain is! Today I really struggled with tuning out my overactive thoughts. Here is a snapshot of what went on inside my head:
I really should have painted my toenails, my feet are a little stinky, I should have ordered the pizza for tomorrow, that girl's shirt is really cute, I have so much to do tonight, I wish I didn't have to go to the grocery store, I hope I don't fart, what did she say?, I need to print out that order, when is my haircut-was it today?, wow that needed stretching........

I need an off button!

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