Friday, April 17, 2015

April 17, 2015

A Crack in the Ceiling

Tonight we went to see The Archbishop's Ceiling at the Arvada Center. This play was written by Arthur Miller and takes place in Prauge during the Cold War - and seemed to me that it lasted as long! I think I was semi comatose during the first act. There was so...much...talking! The second act was a  little better because there was a gun involved but it seemed to me that the entire story could have been told in 30 maybe 45 minutes tops. I guess I am not intellectual enough to fully appreciate this production. On the positive side, the set was unique and intriguing and the performances by the five actors were phenomenal, especially Heather Lacy who played Maya. They should get special awards for memorizing all....that...dialogue! Of course, spending time with the in-laws and the nice dinner beforehand was delightful and the highlight of this evening!

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