Friday, July 25, 2014

July 25, 2014


Tonight we attended Tarzan the Stage Musical at the Arvada Center. As always, the set was wonderful and the costumes amazing, especially how they created the gorillas. The musical was based on the original book, Tarzan of the Apes written by Edgar Rice Burroughs which surprisingly was published in 1914! I remember watching the Tarzan movies as a kid starring Olympic athlete Johnny Weissmuller. He always had a nice haircut and was clean cut- just like you would be if you lived in the jungle!? The Tarzan tonight was portrayed a little differently. You see the child version first and then the musical flashes forward to Tarzan all grown up - HELLO! This Tarzan works out at the local Jungle gym and has Amazon Abs! He also has dreadlocks and looks like he would be a little odoriferous which is way more realistic than the 1930's Hollywood version. It was entertaining and the main characters were beautiful singers. I recommend it for a fun night out with great scenery!


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