Monday, February 24, 2014

February 24, 2014

I want to be an astrophysicist. Not because I am remotely interested in whatever it is that they do but because it makes you sound really smart. I can guarantee you if I told you I was an astrophysicist you would not think, "lights on, nobody's home!" No, you would think, "she must be highly intelligent!" You might also think I probably can't communicate with others very well because of my impressive grey matter. Well, I had an astrophysicist, Dr. Jeffrey Bennett, visit my two schools today as a guest author and the kids loved him! Not only did he relate well with students, he taught them some great things about space. Currently, his five children's books are traveling 17,000 miles per hour on the Space Station. The astronauts are recording themselves reading the books and these videos will be available  to watch in a few months. Dr. Bennett is from Boulder, Colorado and got my attention because every time he writes a new children's book, he sends a free copy to school libraries. Yeah, he's an all around great astrophysicist! 


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