Tuesday, January 27, 2015

January 27, 2015


Every job that I have had since college has had volunteers associated with it. Maybe that has something to do with all of my jobs having been with nonprofit associations. I have always wondered what it would be like to work for a company that actually made money. My sister has tried to explain bonuses, raises, overtime, expense accounts and severance packages to me but it is a forgein language- I just can't relate....but I digress....
I guess the perks of my previous jobs and present one is getting to work with volunteers. I have met some pretty interesting people throughout the years. Today a dad came in that helps me with the News show and I found out that he has a really diverse background and some great stories. I think many times I have to work into the night at home because I've spent a large amount of time chatting during the day - but I won't change this. As a volunteer myself, I am more willing to go back and help people and organizations that make me feel welcome and needed, so that is what I strive for at my schools. Volunteers will stop volunteering if it's not fun- and believe me I like fun! I know my life would be pretty dull if I didn't have all of my volunteer friends popping in and out....not to mention all the work I would have to do myself! You know who you are...THANK YOU!

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