Sunday, January 18, 2015

January 18, 2015

True Friends

Put yourself in this situation: you arrive at your friends' house whom you haven't seen in a few months, thinking you're going to have dinner and a nice visit. However, as soon as you walk in the door you find yourself in the role of furniture mover! That's just what we did to our unsuspecting friends Dave and Colleen today. Earlier in the day we purchased a new desk for my office because we found one I liked and I have tomorrow off to get it organized. It was just a coincidence that Dave was also arriving today and could help with the heavy lifting! Not only did he have the pleasure of helping to carry the old desk upstairs (2 pieces), he got to carry in the new desk and help put it together. Now that is a good friend! Of course, Colleen and I supervised and provided important advice through the whole process - and supplied the beer. 

I did feed them our traditional News Years Cheese ball since we were unable to be with each other New Years Eve, as well as dinner. Hopefully they will come and visit again without fear of being put to work!

Furniture movers and assemblers

Cheese Ball!

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