Happy Birthday to my wonderful mother-in-law Jo! I won't say how old and you would never guess correctly if you saw her! I will say how old my nephew will be on Feb 2 (no they wouldn't name him Phil...I begged!). Gray will be 12...one more year as a tween. I will be continuing my journey as a quinquagenarian next month and my birthday season began today with a great celebration with Jo, Gray, and of course the rest of their families. My sister in law and my husband put together a delicious dinner at our house. Shelly was truly the organizer -she had a very busy week but still made the time to make this day very special. She and family came down from Summit County, my in-laws up from the plains, and Paige came as well. Who would think that we could sit on the deck without a jacket in January! Thank you Don, Shelly, Lee, Anna, Kate, Gray, Jo, Don Sr., and Paige for a spectacular day!
The birthday celebrants - just ignore that other guy!
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