Thursday, October 30, 2014

October 30, 2014

Bah Boo Bug

For some reason I have not had the Halloween spirit this year. I don't know why but I haven't decorated my house and haven't even been motivated to work on a costume. I did, however, buy Halloween candy- I mean I can't let the neighborhood kids down! Candy is an endangered species in our home. When candy is around, my family, including me, cannot rest until all of it is consumed -rapidly. So when I bought the Halloween candy, I hid it in the basement in the very back corner of the storage room and tried to forget that it existed. Tonight the big bag of sweets was released from solitary confinement to get ready for the trick or treaters. In order to make sure that the candy hadn't gone stale, I gave it a taste test, and then another, and then...all of a sudden, the Halloween spirit started to descend upon me! After another trip down to the basement I resurfaced with a costume and our fake and instant jack-o-lantern. Halloween spirit in the nick of time!

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