Sunday, October 19, 2014

October 19, 2014


Tonight we got to see a record broken. Peyton Manning broke the record for number of career touchdown passes. Going into the game he was at 506 touchdown passes and the record was set at 508 by Brett Favre. Not only did he break the record in the first half of the game, he went ahead and finished the game at 510 touchdown passes! I am happy for Peyton because he is a terrific example of hard work leading to success. He never stops working. If you watch him during the games he is always on the bench when he's not playing, studying data, talking with coaches and players so that there is constant improvement. He gives 110% and expects the other players to do the same. I heard that the his team mates love playing with him because he makes them want to play better. Maybe I will let his example motivate me at work. What would really motivate me is if my paycheck was the same as Mr. Manning's!

The game was even better because we were with Don's sister Shelly and husband Lee!

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