Friday, October 31, 2014

October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

It's Friday and Halloween....the students were beyond excited today! I watched  the parade of costumes which is always fun and then hid in the library the rest of the day! There were a lot of cute costumes - Ninjas, princesses - Frozen and otherwise, football players, vampires, Minecraft guys, Ninja Turtles, Super heroes and many more. My two favorites were Jake from State Farm and Flo from Progressive. Who says people don't pay attention to commercials! Jake and Flo are proof positive that a great sales campaign can make a great impact....and be entertaining! By the end of the day the teachers were exhausted but relieved that the sugar crash will happen on a Saturday! I hope you had a Spooktacular day!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

October 30, 2014

Bah Boo Bug

For some reason I have not had the Halloween spirit this year. I don't know why but I haven't decorated my house and haven't even been motivated to work on a costume. I did, however, buy Halloween candy- I mean I can't let the neighborhood kids down! Candy is an endangered species in our home. When candy is around, my family, including me, cannot rest until all of it is consumed -rapidly. So when I bought the Halloween candy, I hid it in the basement in the very back corner of the storage room and tried to forget that it existed. Tonight the big bag of sweets was released from solitary confinement to get ready for the trick or treaters. In order to make sure that the candy hadn't gone stale, I gave it a taste test, and then another, and then...all of a sudden, the Halloween spirit started to descend upon me! After another trip down to the basement I resurfaced with a costume and our fake and instant jack-o-lantern. Halloween spirit in the nick of time!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

October 29, 2014

Beat the Clock

Today I played one of my favorite games...Beat the Clock. The object of the game is to pack as many activities into a 24 hour period as possible and see if you can get it all done before the time is up. There are some obstacles that you have to overcome along the way such as eating while multi-tasking, jams in the copy machine, and getting stuck behind a "conscientious" driver. A Beat the Clock player must also be willing to accept the risks involved like hypertension, development of grey hair, and panic attacks. I don't particularly like to play Beat the Clock, I'm just naturally drawn to the challenge and I have trouble saying the word "no". I did win today and I think I'm now on Level 10 so I may switch things up and start playing another game I've heard about, "That's Not My Job- A Leisure Time Aquisition Game"!  Fun Times!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

October 28, 2014


My dog Maggie has had enough. In her eyes Don and I are never home and she is lonely now without her sister Scarlett to keep her company. When we are home, we are boring- either working or sleeping.  So today she had a little revolt and I really can't blame her. This is a wake up call that we need to change our ways and give our little dog the attention she deserves....or things are going to get a little messy around here! 

Tepeeing the stairs- caught at the scene of the crime!

Monday, October 27, 2014

October 27, 2014


Hold on to your Santa hats! I saw my first Christmas shopping commercial tonight! Halloween is only a few days away and it's already starting! Best Buy tried to disguise the commercial but there are jingle bells in the background and red bows on the signs with a few snowflakes here and there. I guess it is nice that they didn't blatantly say "hey everyone only 58 days a left until Christmas!" Next year we may see Back to School/Christmas sales! That might be OK, who wouldn't want a reliable Standard #2 in their stocking or how about a lunch box/Christmas card set with free eraser? Tis the season!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

October 26, 2014


It's Sunday night and I'm already starting the week behind. My day was spent conquering things close to home such as my mountain of laundry and tucking in the Tajma-haul for the winter. But now  I'm regretting not working on school work all day because I will be scrambling tomorrow. Should I be feeling this regret? I think I need to practice what I preach. I told Alex on the phone earlier to not be so hard on himself for taking some time away from studying today. He really meant to study non-stop but his heart and brain just wasn't into it. I assured him that we are human beings who cannot work 24/7 all the time. Robots can, humans can't. We need variety, breaks, fun, and just plain old down time. I should have recorded my beautiful speech so I could be playing it back to myself right now! Tomorrow I will hit the ground running with no regrets....except no regrets- tomorrow is a new day!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

October 25, 2014

Tailgate Finale

Another beautiful Fall day meant only one last CSU tailgate with the Tajma-haul! Today was the border war football game against the University of Wyoming and another sell out! Since the game didn't start until 5pm we had a relaxed BBQ with our Fort Collins friends- Karen, Gregg, Morgan, Bob and Judy; my in-laws Jo and Don and of course our resident Rammie Paige and her roommate Michelle. There was only one problem. I hit the wall during the first quarter. Maybe it was the Fun Run (or in my case the Wonderful Walk) at school this morning or that we had already been to two Bronco games this week or even possibly my quantity of food and beer consumption before this game..Whatever it was I really had a hard time staying focused and alert for the CSU tonight. All I could think of was that nice bed in our trailer and how I could go sneak out and take a little nap.  Luckily those nice ROTC boys kept me awake with the celebratory firing of the cannon every time we scored... 7 times! 6 touchdowns and a field goal. I ended up staying for the whole game so I could watch CSU win custody of the Golden Boot trophy another year! Way to go Rams and better games tomorrow!

Today was also Pink out day...and yes...I had a pink CSU hoodie to wear!

Friday, October 24, 2014

October 24, 2014

The Last Romance

This was the title of the play we saw at the Arvada Center tonight. Every year, one play at the Arvada Center is presented by the Creede Reperatory Theatre and in return the Arvada Center puts on a production in Creede. I have never attended the theatre in Creede ( I don't think I have ever even been to Creede)but I would like to someday because there is a very talented group of people in their company.  We have enjoyed every play they have put on at the Arvada Center, especially the one tonight. The Last Romance was very entertaining- funny but also poignant. The story is about two elderly people who meet in a dog park in New Jersey. The characters are very likable and quirky and best of all there is a real dog in the cast! It was a simple play on a simple set and very well acted. Unfortunately,this is the last weekend but I bet there are tickets available if you are interested.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

October 23, 2014

Mile High Fun and Nutrition

Another Bronco game tonight! This makes two in one week but I am not complaining. It is easy to go to the games during this warm weather streak we're having. It doesn't hurt that the Broncos are on fire! I was a little conflicted tonight because the quarterback on my Fantasy Football team is Phillip Rivers - I  got over it! An added bonus tonight was that the CSU marching band performed during halftime. It was a blending of my three football worlds.

Going to the Bronco games also gives me the opportunity to eat nutritiously. Vegetables = potatoes and green chilis in my Green Chili Fries, dairy and protein= cheese and pork in my Green Chili Fries, grains= wheat in my Shocktop beer, fruit= the orange slice in my beer. It is great to be healthy!

CSU Marching Band on Sports Authority Field

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

October 22, 2014


Sleep. It seems that most of us don't get enough. Many women my age have insomnia and can't sleep. Luckily, I don't suffer from that but I do suffer from gotobedtoolate-ia doubled with havetogetuptooearly-ia. At night I can hardly stay awake on the couch  but when I drag myself upstairs to go to bed, all of a sudden I get a surge of energy to do one more load of laundry, organize one more thing for school, water the plant on the brink of dehydration and a bunch of other piddely things. By the time I wash my face, brush my teeth, floss, moisturize, and count the new wrinkles, it's late. Finally in bed there is Chapstick and hand lotion application, as well as the final Facebook check and blog writing. Okay now it's really late but I should read my book- because I am a librarian after all- which usually lasts maybe one sentence because then I'm out for the count for a few hours until it's time to get up and do it all again! I guess I need to re-organize and prioritize....or just get plastic plants!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

October 21, 2014

Truth Serum

I am about ready to pull my already thin hair out because of the barrage of political ads on television and the radio! There are even more now that the ballots have been mailed out. I wouldn't mind them so much if they were factual and informative but all of them are slanted and it is hard to distinguish fact from fiction. Some networks are addressing this issue and presenting special reports which analyze the facts claimed in some of the ads. Now that is helpful.

However, I have an even better idea that would solve all of this- truth serum. Before each ad is filmed, the candidate must down a shot of serum. Then the voters will hear the truth....about the scene in the movie Goonies where Chunk confesses all his childhood pranks to the bad guys! Now that would be informative and entertaining! 

Monday, October 20, 2014

October 20, 2014

Helmet Advised

I learned something new today about concussions. If you have suffered one, you should not have any screen time- no television, computers, texting on cell phones or the use of other electronic devices. I guess using electronics requires your eyes to do too much tracking and that impedes recovery. I learned this because one of my students suffered a concussion this weekend so she couldn't work on her African web site. We compromised by having her turn her chair away from the computer and she told me what to type. From now on I am wearing a helmet every day. I do not want to risk a concussion and be without my screen time! What would do? Coincidentally, the picture below is of the skin I have on my personal laptop. I think it is apropos for this post:


Sunday, October 19, 2014

October 19, 2014


Tonight we got to see a record broken. Peyton Manning broke the record for number of career touchdown passes. Going into the game he was at 506 touchdown passes and the record was set at 508 by Brett Favre. Not only did he break the record in the first half of the game, he went ahead and finished the game at 510 touchdown passes! I am happy for Peyton because he is a terrific example of hard work leading to success. He never stops working. If you watch him during the games he is always on the bench when he's not playing, studying data, talking with coaches and players so that there is constant improvement. He gives 110% and expects the other players to do the same. I heard that the his team mates love playing with him because he makes them want to play better. Maybe I will let his example motivate me at work. What would really motivate me is if my paycheck was the same as Mr. Manning's!

The game was even better because we were with Don's sister Shelly and husband Lee!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

October 18, 2014

MVP for a Day

Today Don and I got to enjoy a different CSU Ram football game experience. It was Homecoming weekend at CSU and we were offered the chance to attend a MVP tailgate party and sit in one of the President's boxes to watch the game. Don's parents joined us and it was terrific! This girl could totally get used to the royal treatment and the cozy climate of the box suite. A special guest at the tailgate party was Amy Van Dyken-Rouen who is a CSU Alum. I asked her if she would mind taking a picture with me for this blog and she graciously agreed - yes I was one of those annoying fans but she is the epitome of living positive so I had to ask! Also, I got to visit with Dr. Tony Frank who is the president of CSU. My children, along with most of the CSU students think he is a rock star so of course I had to have a picture with him too! The only photo opportunity I missed was with Cam the ram- I think he was on one of his trailer breaks. In fact, you hardly ever get to see him during the games anymore. A student was telling me today that he is suffering from old age and a new Cam is in the wings. 

Of course I would be remiss if I didn't talk about the game..OMG! It was tied 10 to 10 for most of the game and we ended up winning with a field goal in the last 4 seconds! A perfect ending to an awesome day. Can't I please be MVP everyday?!?

With Dr. Tony Frank- I was doing a magic beard gesture...legend has it that all his powers come from his beard....I think we neede more power in the camera focus!

Friday, October 17, 2014

October 17, 2014


While I was helping fourth graders create web sites about the African countries they have been studying, one girl was confused about a term we don't use very often in Colorado. "What does humid mean?" It's harder to describe than you think! This reminded me how young these kids are and how many traveling experiences that they haven't had yet. When you have only been around for nine years, during which gallons of lotion and cases of chapstick have been major staples in your lives, it is hard to understand humidity. I still don't know how to deal well with humidity but I do appreciate its benefits-it's better for your skin and you don't have to iron your clothes! I wonder if Bath and Body Works does less business in humid areas......

Thursday, October 16, 2014

October 16, 2014


Busy Book Fair week, two thirteen hour days and then some equals one tired Teacher Librarian. Actually, it's not just me, all the teachers will be dragging tommorrow- Parent/Teacher Confernces are hard on everyone. On the bright side, tomorrow is Friday and we are one week closer to Thanksgiving break! 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

October 15, 2015

Hammer Time!

As with most of our neighborhood, we are in line to get a new roof due to a bad summer hail storm. We went through all of the insurance red tape and jumped through the Homeowner's Association shingle approval and are ready for the new roof. We are pretty confident that we picked the right roofing company because the owner lives across the street! I just had to share the letter we received from them via email. It made me laugh because I can just imagine the wackadoodle people that inspired it:

"Could you just use a hot glue gun cuz I really don't want the racket!" 

It is pretty sad that it has to be stated in black and white but it did put a smile on my face!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

October 14, 2014

Don't Judge a Book By Its Cover

Of course you would expect a librarian to say, "don't judge a book by its cover." There are many great books that have unspectacular covers. The same goes with people too and I was reminded of that today.

 There is a teacher aide in one of  my schools who I don't work directly with but we struck up a conversation today. She is from another country and I complimented her on her excellent English, especially since she has only been in the United States for six years. As the conversation went on, I learned that before she left her native country, she had completed all the requirements to be a lawyer. Of course none of those educational credits could transfer to the U.S. but she is Ok with that because she has realized that she really wants to be a teacher. To accomplish this, she goes to college at night while raising a young family and working as an assistant. Oh, and she speaks seven languages! I would never have guessed these things about her by just saying hi to her in the hallway. 

Another example was a dad who brought his daughter to the Book Fair after school. He was really scruffy looking and wearing raggedy clothes. However, his undivided attention to his daughter and their conversations while mulling over books was heartwarming. We visited for awhile at the cash register and I found out he is restoring an old car, which he is teaching himself to do. In fact, he was in the process of painting it when he stopped so he could bring his daughter to the Book Fair. What a dad! Luckily I came to my senses before I packed everything up and gave him the whole lot!

So, take the time to visit with people you don't may find out that they have interesting stories to tell. Oh, and it does work the other way - I have talked to beautiful people who are boring! That's another story for a not-so-positive blog!

Monday, October 13, 2014

October 13, 2014


My friend Cindy and I have been pretty faithful in going to Yoga once a week. I really do believe that this has helped decrease my stress as well as increased my strength. It helps me turn off my brain for at least an hour and tune into myself. If you have never tried it you should. Find a class that is a good fit for you. Some that we have gone to have been pretty strenuous but I think a gentle Hatha class is just as good for you. You will be amazed at how good you will feel! 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

October 12, 2014

Don't Walk This Way

The TV show, Walking Dead had its season premier tonight. I have warched it off and on and saw the season finale last year. That disturbing show prompted me to watch tonight's show. If you have never seen the show, it is about the zombie apocalypse. Most every episode involves many walkers
 ( zombies) being eliminated by those still alive. It is very graphic and bloody and I always question why I watch it. I think what draws me in are the character side stories and also that I am intrigued with all the special effects makeup that needs to be applied for the taping. It must take a tremendous amount of time to transform all of the large number of actors into horrible, disgusting zombies who are just on the screen long enough for their melons to be pierced, poked, squashed, shot.....Also how does one audition to be the walking dead? I would be guaranteed a part if I auditioned on any given Monday morning! All I know is that I need to limit my viewing of this show or else I may find myself mapping out the quickest route to Costco and sleeping with a spear!

October 11, 2014

Birthday Jackpot!

Since all of Paige's friends are younger than her, it was up to the old people to show her what being 21 was all about. The Duvalls and the Ostwalds joined together and introduced her to the world of Blackhawk. We hunted out the penny slots first and my mom gave her some slot machine pointers. While trying her second machine, she proceeded to win $37! She won $25 on the next! Needless to say she pocketed that money. What beginners luck! A great buffet was followed by birthday cake in the hotel room where we also celebrated the birthdays of Don Sr., niece Anna, and brother in law Lee. Now it's time to cash in on a jackpot of a day!
 Winner!  Birthday group

Friday, October 10, 2014

October 10, 2014

Wired Supercentenarian

I have a new idol. I learned about her on the News tonight. Her name is Anna Stoehr and she lives in Minnesota. She is my new idol because at the young age of 114, Anna is on Facebook and is learning how to use all kinds of technology- FaceTime, email, Google, how to use an iPad, just to name a few. My goal is to keep up with society like Anna and use the technology of the day. I mean what on earth will it look like when I'm a supercentarian? Whatever it is I'm going to stay with it  so my great, great grandkids will not laugh at me and I will still be able to write my blog!

Read more about Anna -

Thursday, October 9, 2014

October 9, 2014

Duchess Ostwald

Today we opened the Book Fair at one of my schools. The theme is selected by Scholastic and they provide all of the clip art and give some decorating ideas. The theme this Fall is Sir Readalots Castle. If it was up to me and my limited time, there would probably be a sign and that's about it. But luckily, I have a library paraprofessional with an art degree and two volunteers who are creative so together they transformed our library into a castle. It is so incredible that one student exclaimed that "we overdid ourselves this year!" One of our teachers lent me her medieval dress to wear so when the classes came in for previews today they were greeted by Dutchess Ostwald and Lady D. It was very fun but I had to wear the dress all day because it was too hard to get on. Now I know why women had ladies maids- just to get into the dresses! I must have looked fantastic...or something...because a sixth grade boy asked me if I got paid extra to wear that dress....hmmm...compliment? Anyway be the fool or the Dutchess we had fun and we get to do it again tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

October 8, 2014

Save the Messenger!

I had to apologize today. If people could be locked up for verbally killing the messenger, I would already be serving 20 years to life! My former assistant used to call me on it and made me take an oath on a stack of Harry Potter books that I would stop taking it out on her when she informed me about things that could possibly set me off. Well, it's time to visit Fic Row again because I was on a rampage today! I felt that I was venting about the frustrating situation but the "victim" felt that it was a full on fire hose of  disgruntlement aimed right toward them. So....I did some triage and resuscitated the messenger with the promise that I will try harder to point the fire hose in the proper direction from now on. I really do appreciate everyone I work with and am glad that they continue to put up with me!


Tuesday, October 7, 2014

October 7, 2014

World Wide Web 

I have been working with sixth graders to teach them how to evaluate web sites. Until sixth grade I discourage them from googling anything while researching. I guide them to data bases instead. By sixth grade we feel that they are ready to start critiquing web sites to decide which ones are credible for their research. During our first lesson yesterday, 40 students were packed into the computer lab. I was expecting a circus but was pleasantly surprised - they were all interested, engaged, and participating! This was a classic example of real world learning. When students see how what they are learning can apply directly to their lives, they get into it. It's also very gratifying as a teacher to see great learning in action!

Monday, October 6, 2014

October 6, 2014

It's a girl!

21 years ago today we were blessed with a beautiful baby girl! It's Paige Nichole, Paigee Poo, Paigee Wagee's special birthday! Isn't it everyone's dream to turn 21 on a Monday? I was sad all day that we weren't together but we have big plans for this weekend. I can't believe that you are 21, Paige, but dad and I are so proud of the wonderful adult that you have become. Happy Birthday!


Sunday, October 5, 2014

October 5, 2014

 Pink Courage

Today the Bronco organization recognized all those who are battling breast cancer and those who beat it. Many of these people went out on the field at halftime and formed a pink ribbon. They also shared four women's stories. Two of these women have been cancer free for over 20 years! It is great that we take the time every October to remember that this horrible disease is still effecting so many people and celebrate with those who fought the fight and won! My friends Suzanne, Cheryl, and Patti are in this champion group which I am so thankful for. Unfortunately, my dear friend Leslie lost her battle against breast cancer a few years ago and I will always miss her. Let's hope that in the near future the need to be aware of breast cancer is nonexistant.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

October 4, 2014

Color Conflict

Those of you who regularly read this know that I spend an exorbitant amount of time at sporting events. Partly for enjoyment and partly to see my husband. Because of this I, of course need the proper attire- orange and blue for Broncos, green and gold for the CSU Rams, etc. Well lately it seems like teams like to mix things up which plays havoc on my wardrobe. For example, today was "orange out" at the CSU  game to honor the original team which was the Aggies. Tomorrow is a "pink out" at the Bronco game for Breast cancer awareness. Yes, I could just wear the appropriate colored shirt from my closet but I feel the pressure to be a true fan and wear the team logo. This meant only one thing..,a Kohls intervention. Everyone can breathe easier knowing that I will be sporting a pink Bronco shirt at the game tomorrow! Thanks Paige for helping me through this!

Our friend Betty, me and Paige...wearing orange...yay. Rams!

Friday, October 3, 2014

October 3, 2014


Today was World Smile Day! Did you participate? World Smile Day was created by Harvey Ball in 1999. Harvey Ball also created the well known smiley face in 1963. When Harvey died in 2001, the Harvey Ball World Smile Foundation was formed in his honor with the mission to "improve the world one smile at a time." Now that is a cause that I can support!

Harvey Ball smiles!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

October 2, 2014


So I've been working with students and their parents with setting up Apple ID passwords. Since all our kids are under 13, their parents have to set up the passwords for them. Some of the passwords that have come in are really complicated for me, let alone their first grader! Today, a second grade boy brought me his iPad and said that he knew his password now. Not seeing a paper, I asked him what it was. He said a name and I asked him to spell it. He gave it a couple tries but then admitted that he really didn't know how to spell it. Not recognizing the name, I asked him if it was his dog or where it came from. He gave me a look like, "What cave have you been living in?" and informed me that it was the name of a Minecraft monster. duh! Well we googled it together and found out how to spell it. Crisis averted, password learned!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

October 1, 2014

Fishy Apology

The other day while working with first graders, their teacher became upset at how one of her students talked back to me. Honestly, I can't even remember what he said. When he refused to apologize, he was not allowed to participate in the activity. Today their class came in again and the teacher pulled me aside and told me that the student was ready to apologize ( they had been practicing). He did a wonderful job and then his teacher told him," now you can touch the shark mouth." Apparently the turning point for him was that he was not allowed to touch the shark skull that the teacher had in her room because of his refusal to apologize. I feel flattered - I guess - that I am right up there with fish bones! Actually, I admire this teacher tremendously. She loves all her students but expects them all to behave and be good citizens. In return, her students grow by leaps and bounds academically and socially.