Monday, April 21, 2014

April 21, 2014

Hobby Lobby. I went there today. I haven't been in a long time. I used to go often- there was always something that I needed. As I was walking around the store I was trying to pinpoint why it wasn't at the top of my destinations anymore. When the kids were little I had a lot of crafting to do. There were den meetings, Girl Scout meetings, room parties, PTA functions.......the list went on. Even when Alex was only 3, my sister-in-law was convinced he knew how to read because he pointed to the sign on the store and said, "Hobby Lobby!" That's how often we went. Now I guess I don't have much crafting to do since my kids are out of the nest and my hobby of choice these days is knitting. It really bugs me that my craft room is all organized and clean- another sign that I need to hit Pinterest hard, start making a mess and frequenting Hobby Lobby! 

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