Wednesday, April 2, 2014

April 2, 2014

Every once in awhile I think how nice it would be to work from home. A slipper commute, sweatpant wardrobe, and one with the dogs. But after the last few days, I realize how much I enjoy the people I work with. Since I work at two schools, I have two work families that are at times dysfunctional but mostly fun and supportive. This week when I was a little down, my coworkers were there to lift me up and make me smile. There is always fun to be had and of course when you are around elementary students- lots of humorous moments! I firmly believe that you will never meet more caring and friendly people than those in the education profession. Ok so now I'm thinking that instead of working at home maybe see if I could just stroll in about 10ish.....!

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