Saturday, March 29, 2014

March 29, 2014

Today I went with Paige to see her friend perform in Legally Blonde presented by a group at Regis University. I am a great fan of the movie and have seen the musical at the Arvada Center and the Buell. You could say that this is one of my favorites and the performance club at Regis did a great job. It is scary how much I identify with Elle, the main character! We share a love of clothes, the color pink and pocket dogs. A great librarian knows how to do the bend and snap although a public librarian would get more mileage out of it than one in elementary school! I do own a bedazzled pink stapler...I tried to get Paige to bring a bedazzled calculator and feathery pink pen to her first engineering class but she wouldn't do it...I thought that would have been hilarious! Comedy aside,the main theme of the musical is what I really love: be who you are - be it flannel or sequins- be persistent and don't give up on your goals, believe in yourself and have great hair! 

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