Tuesday, March 18, 2014

March 18, 2014

I'm a hoarder. Not a pack your house to the rafters hoarder, I'm an App hoarder. There is something like 17,000 apps available for the iPad and I may be coming up on 16,000! Ok maybe I'm exaggerating but I do have a lot. It all started when I downloaded Apps Gone Free. This app gives you daily notices of apps that are temporarily free. I thought I could keep an eye out for great educational apps that my teachers would like. Well, things have gotten out of hand because there are some terrific non educational apps that a person just has to have. Like Zumba..you never know when you just may have to stop what you're doing and break into some exercise moves. Also doesn't everyone need to know what restaurant is at every exit off any highway in America? I can play Yahtzee on-line with my daughter! I have got to stop...today I downloaded an app that uses my camera lense to show 3D dinosaurs walking around your room- that might be useful someday! I did resist an app for accountants which I wanted to get just because it is regularly $5.99. I guess recognizing that you have a problem is the first step....I have to go, my Go to Bed app is telling me I'm overdue!


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