Sunday, March 23, 2014

March 23, 2014

I'm on way to Nashville! Currently I'm above the clouds going east, hopefully nowhere near Malaysia! Recent news events added to my usual pre-boarding nervousness. I have to give myself a pep talk before I fly. I am a worrywart- probably because I read and watch the News faithfully. I don't fully relax until the plane descends far enough to a point where I think I can jump and survive! It is worse when I fly with my kids because I don't feel that I can protect them from harm. Of course I don't  tell them that. Now that I'm an empty nester, I am experiencing another part of this stage- flying alone. Don is already in Nashville for a conference and I'm going out to meet him. It is weird not to have to herd kids through the airport, make sure restrooms are visited, have a bag of activities to keep them busy on the flight, and pack tons of snacks. Instead today my child dropped me off at the airport and I just had to get myself to the gate. Don't worry, I found the restroom, I still have lots of snacks and a full bag of things to keep me busy. The mom next to me, however, is currently busy holding the burp bag for her son ... so....I think I can get used to traveling alone!
P.S. The bars are open on Sunday night!

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