Monday, March 31, 2014
March 31, 2014
Yep, we spent too much time in Nashville- all those country songs about pickup trucks and now Don has gone and got himself a new one! He claims that his wife picked out a trailer that requires a truck of mammoth proportions to pull it but actually I think that is just his excuse to get a new toy! I guess I better go get some new cowboy boots!
Sunday, March 30, 2014
March 30, 2014
This weekend, Don and I happened upon a Dan Rather interview with Carol Burnett on some cable channel. We both grew up watching the Carol Burnett show and have fond memories of it. She always made me laugh! It was a great interview about how she got her big break into show business. A wealthy businessman gave her $1,000 to move to New York in 1954 and try to make it as a performer. The catch was she could tell no one who gave her the money and she must pay it forward to someone else after she became famous. She also talked about her daughter who died from cancer at a young age. Near the end of her daughter's life, the nurses kept telling Carol that instead of helping her daughter, her daughter always brightened their day. Her daughter's response to that was, " every morning when I wake up I have to make a decision. I decide to love my life that day."
Tomorrow I go back to work after a nice Spring Break. When that horrible alarm goes off I'm going to try to follow this example and tell myself to love my life this day!
Saturday, March 29, 2014
March 29, 2014
Today I went with Paige to see her friend perform in Legally Blonde presented by a group at Regis University. I am a great fan of the movie and have seen the musical at the Arvada Center and the Buell. You could say that this is one of my favorites and the performance club at Regis did a great job. It is scary how much I identify with Elle, the main character! We share a love of clothes, the color pink and pocket dogs. A great librarian knows how to do the bend and snap although a public librarian would get more mileage out of it than one in elementary school! I do own a bedazzled pink stapler...I tried to get Paige to bring a bedazzled calculator and feathery pink pen to her first engineering class but she wouldn't do it...I thought that would have been hilarious! Comedy aside,the main theme of the musical is what I really love: be who you are - be it flannel or sequins- be persistent and don't give up on your goals, believe in yourself and have great hair!
Friday, March 28, 2014
March 28, 2014
There's a wonderful sound coming from my basement - laughter! Paige is home this weekend because her best friend is visiting. It's like old times - I have a bunch of kids ( 20-22 yr olds!) in my basement popping popcorn, playing cards, and laughing hysterically at their silly antics- just like they did when they were 13! When we built this house nine years ago, we finished the basement with an ulterior motive. We thought it would increase our chances of having our kids and their friends hanging out at our house and therefore we would know what they were up to. We got our wish- boy did we ever - but a great benefit of all the popcorn, chips, and soda investments was that we got to know their friends. So it is great to see these "adopted" children every once in awhile and see what great adults they are becoming!
Thursday, March 27, 2014
March 27, 2014
Some people have a problem with Facebook. They're not on it because they don't see the point. Well, in my opinion, the point is to communicate with people, keep in touch, and share your lives. I'm not a good communicator because I never call anyone or send cards( I can visualize my friends and family nodding their heads vigorously). Because of this glitch in my personality, people only really heard from me once a year at Christmas ( or thereabouts!) However, along came Facebook which is perfect for people like me. Within seconds I can post or comment and now communicate a lot more. A great outcome of connecting on Facebook happened today. I came upon an old friend from junior high and high school on Facebook this year. We had lost track of each other and have not talked since our 10 year high school reunion. Once we found out that we are both in the metro area, we made plans to get together for lunch today and had a great visit that lasted almost to the dinner shift at the restaurant! It was wonderful to catch up and renew the great friendship that we had a long, long, time ago in a galaxy far, far away....!
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
March 26, 2014
Home Sweet Home! We are back from our little trip to the south. I am already missing the friendly southern hospitality and the sweet tea! We took our dogs for a short walk when we got home and there was not one Honky Tonk to pop into to hear some music and enjoy a beverage. I wonder if the Homeowners Association would let me build one or two in the neighborhood? I bet there would be a lot more dog walking going on if they did!
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
March 25, 2014
A busy and historic day! We went on a tour today to see two historic places near Nashville. Our tour guide was a retired Greyhound bus driver who had some great stories to tell during the journey but unfortunately sounded like Darth Vader while wearing his headset. I think a little oxygen might have helped the situation.
The first stop was The Hermitage- home of Andrew Jackson. We learned many things about our 7th president and the great love story with his wife. The second stop was the Belle Meade Plantation. Both of these homes were well preserved with original furnishings. It was fun to snoop through the house and get a glimpse of how they lived in the late 1800's. Belle Meade also has a little winery that offers a Muscadine wine that is pretty good. We didn't wander around the property of either home because it was a freezing cold day and it even snowed! Fortunately it didn't stick.
When we returned from the tour we hurried over to the Country Music Hall of Fame to finish seeing the part of the museum we didn't have time to see yesterday. If that wasn't enough, we took a cab out to the Grand Ole Opry which is a good distance away from downtown in east Nashville. It was a great show but we had not heard of any of the performers: Gwen Sebastian, Jesse McReynolds, Chase Rice, John Conlee, Parmalee, Connie Smith, Easton Corbin, and Craig Morton.
It was a long day but Don and I are feeling more informed about country music and Nashville history!
The Hermitage; Belle Meade; Elvis' 24 Karat gold plated piano; at the Grande Ole Opry
Monday, March 24, 2014
March 24, 2014
Today we had an education in country music. Of course being raised in a Fort Morgan, Don and I have always been around it but never thought that we were fans. So now here we are in the Mecca of country music and it is starting to grow on us! We visited the Country Music Hall of Fame and obtained knowledge of the history of country music. We then went on a walking tour of the Ryman Auditorium which was the home of the Grand Ol' Opry for years. We had a great tour guide and there was only one other couple from England in our group. Did you know that there is a huge country music following in Europe? Anyway, our guide had some great stories and gossip about the stars so it was very informative. We then hopped on a trolley car which took us around the city to see the main attractions. My question is why would they build a replica if the Parthenon? Who knows - or I might of dozed off during that tidbit - kind of a norm for me if a tour involves a moving vehicle. We saw the numerous recording studios and the highlight was Taylor Swift's penthouse. I knocked and knocked but she didn't answer- so I taped Alex's phone number to her door!
The very best part of Nashville is the nightlife. We are staying downtown just a few blocks from where all the Honky Tonks (bars) are. Every night seems like a Saturday night because each establishment is packed with people and there are 1-2 live bands in each. You can just walk up and down these bustling 3 blocks and hear tons of great music! We went to the legendary Tootsies Orchid Lounge tonight and heard a fantastic band. They had a fiddler that was really terrific. Michelle Lambert- remember that name because I think she is going to be famous! See?! I am becoming a fan!
Grand Ol' Opry Taylor Swift's building ( she's in the penthouse)
The band playing at Tootsies
Sunday, March 23, 2014
March 23, 2014
I'm on way to Nashville! Currently I'm above the clouds going east, hopefully nowhere near Malaysia! Recent news events added to my usual pre-boarding nervousness. I have to give myself a pep talk before I fly. I am a worrywart- probably because I read and watch the News faithfully. I don't fully relax until the plane descends far enough to a point where I think I can jump and survive! It is worse when I fly with my kids because I don't feel that I can protect them from harm. Of course I don't tell them that. Now that I'm an empty nester, I am experiencing another part of this stage- flying alone. Don is already in Nashville for a conference and I'm going out to meet him. It is weird not to have to herd kids through the airport, make sure restrooms are visited, have a bag of activities to keep them busy on the flight, and pack tons of snacks. Instead today my child dropped me off at the airport and I just had to get myself to the gate. Don't worry, I found the restroom, I still have lots of snacks and a full bag of things to keep me busy. The mom next to me, however, is currently busy holding the burp bag for her son ... so....I think I can get used to traveling alone!
P.S. The bars are open on Sunday night!
Saturday, March 22, 2014
March 22, 2014
Fun day today with Paige. Shopping was the activity of the day and we did it well by finding some great bargains. We did not let the flurry of snow stop us from our second quest- to get pedicures! Hopefully my pretty purple toes (go Rockies!) will last until I can actually wear sandles. It was great to have Paige around this last week. I wish our Spring Breaks would have been the same week...maybe next year..
Friday, March 21, 2014
March 21, 2014
Patricia Pollacco is a well known author of children's books and frequently posts to Facebook. Her post today was something that I needed to see. It is always easy to see what things are missing and to always be looking for the next best thing-
"I can't see the forest because of all these stupid trees!" ~Little Red Riding Hood(unconfirmed quote)
This Spring Break will be a great time to reflect, re-energize and enjoy the forest!
Thursday, March 20, 2014
March 20, 2014
Happy Spring! Today is the first day of this wonderful season! The sunshine, budding trees, birds singing, flowers appearing - all of these things help me feel a sense of hope and new beginnings. It was wonderful to get home at 6pm and still be able to take the dogs for a walk. I am so ready for Spring......who am I kidding - I'm totally ready for Spring Break!
Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!"" -- Robin Williams
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
March 19, 2014
It has been a banner day! I have been anticipating this event for awhile now and it finally car odometer turned to 100,000 miles! I have been driving erratically the last few days because I had to keep my eyes on my odometer so I wouldn't miss it! As soon as it flipped today I veered off the road so I could take a picture. I guess this is a big deal because we bought the car new so we drove almost all of those miles. I get a little nostalgic when I think of all the places we have been in that car through the last nine years and how the drivers and passengers have changed. It has been a great car and I hope we're together for a few more thousand. I think I will celebrate by taking it to the car spa!
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
March 18, 2014
I'm a hoarder. Not a pack your house to the rafters hoarder, I'm an App hoarder. There is something like 17,000 apps available for the iPad and I may be coming up on 16,000! Ok maybe I'm exaggerating but I do have a lot. It all started when I downloaded Apps Gone Free. This app gives you daily notices of apps that are temporarily free. I thought I could keep an eye out for great educational apps that my teachers would like. Well, things have gotten out of hand because there are some terrific non educational apps that a person just has to have. Like never know when you just may have to stop what you're doing and break into some exercise moves. Also doesn't everyone need to know what restaurant is at every exit off any highway in America? I can play Yahtzee on-line with my daughter! I have got to I downloaded an app that uses my camera lense to show 3D dinosaurs walking around your room- that might be useful someday! I did resist an app for accountants which I wanted to get just because it is regularly $5.99. I guess recognizing that you have a problem is the first step....I have to go, my Go to Bed app is telling me I'm overdue!
Monday, March 17, 2014
March 17, 2014
Happy St. Patrick's Day! We don't really ever celebrate this holiday but it coincided with our monthly eat out with friends. It wasn't a traditional celebration since we were at a Mexican restaurant but I ordered a Mojito to keep the "green" in the festivities. I did not order a margarita because the last time I did at this particular restaurant, it knocked me on my behind! Well...déjà vu.... I'm not typing this standing up! What is it with this establishment? I am developing a conspiracy theory about what secret sauce they may be spicing up their beverages with! It can't be me, I view myself as a seasoned veteran. The next time I visit I'm sticking with diet Pepsi!
Sunday, March 16, 2014
March 16, 2014
I am a pioneer woman. Our water heater died late last night so I had to boil water on the stove for my bath tonight. Granted I had a gas stove and electricity but I was roughing it when I carried my scalding spaghetti pot full of hot water upstairs! One of the great mysteries in life is why do major appliances always seem to quit on the weekends? Well, on the positive side, this has made me appreciate all of my appliances that much more and I will most probably make it to the gym frequently this week.......with soap in hand!
Saturday, March 15, 2014
March 15, 2014
Ski day is a success! No broken bones or major crashes on the ski slope. The snow at Copper Mountain was great and it wasn't too crowded, probably because the weather was a little unstable. It was cloudy, snowy, sunny, and windy off and on all day. At one point it was a white out when we were out the top of the mountain and you couldn't see anything...very scary! It was definitely a goggle/gator day. The evening was spent with great food and conversation and a little(?) wine!
Friday, March 14, 2014
March 14, 2014
What a long week! Today I told myself that I had to be organized so I could leave for my annual girls' ski weekend. It was more difficult than usual to get away from work this afternoon but I finally headed out of town with ( I think) everything I need..that would be wine and chocolate! My friend has been hosting Girl's Weekend at her log home every year for I think 18 years and I've only missed a couple. There are usually about 5-6 of us and we live in different areas of the metro area and Grand Junction so this is usually the only time we see each other all year. The amazing thing is that we just take up from where we left off the last time! Our leader makes us get up early on Saturday morning so we are the first on the chair lift and we ski our butts off! Well, actually I usually find an excuse to stop after lunch.."oh my leg", etc. so I can sit in the coffee shop. All these ladies are older than me but boy they can ski! The rest of the weekend involves talking, eating, drinking good wine, talking, eating, get the idea. I usually really excel in all those activities! We used to have an activity on Sunday like snowshoeing or cross country skiing, but we grew out of that! Well, off to bed so I have time to dust off my skis in the morning....
Thursday, March 13, 2014
March 13, 2014
Today at the gym, I saw someone who I will keep in the forefront of my mind to keep me motivated to work out regularly. She was an elderly woman doing the circuit weight machines. The spectacular thing about this was she moved from one machine to the next with her walker - all the while on oxygen! She had many excuses not to get off her couch but was there anyway. I bet she didn't even park in the closest parking spot to the front door...I need to stop doing that!
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
March 12, 2014
Honesty. We all expect our kids to be honest but yet when they are, we tell them not to be impolite, so they grow up to be adults who have trouble communicating. It would be interesting and kind of refreshing if all people could be as straight forward as children. For example, a kindergartner saying to me, "Wow Mrs. Ostwald! Is today crazy hair day?" or when I stopped by my second school after school was out and was greeted at the door by a little boy who said, "Are you just getting here Mrs. Ostwald!?!" or my all time favorite, "Mrs. Ostwald you smell just like my grandma!"
I think I'm going to try this at my next staff meeting.."wow you talk a lot!" or "this is boring, can I go outside now?" I'll let you know how it goes....
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
March 11, 2014
There is a t-shirt that I saw on-line that I just may have to order. It is the scene from Charlotte's Web where the pig, Wilbur is gazing up at the word that the spider, Charotte, has weaved into her web. Instead of "some pig", "radiant" or "terrific"', she has spelled out "meh"! Don't we all feel like that sometimes? Most of the time I'm enthusiastic and motivated to work and make a difference in someone's life but there are those days where I just think, "meh!" Maybe this shirt will remind me that it's OK to have some down times and it would definitely forewarn people to give me a wide berth if they see me wearing it!
Monday, March 10, 2014
March 10, 2014
Water..a very special commodity and very necessary to survival. We are supposed to drink a lot every day to keep hydrated. Well, if you would interview my body, it would tell you that it lives in the desert because I am really bad at drinking enough. Come to think about it, I have a hard time giving my plants drinks of water ...hmmm someone should do a study about that. Anyway, if you follow me on Pimterest, you would have noticed that I have been pinning many detox/ cleansing water recipes. It's not that I'm into flushing my system, I have just found that if I put fruit, mint, cucumbers, just about anything besides socks in it, I will drink it up! Maybe my aversion to plain water comes from growing up on well water that you had to chew...hmmm...someone should do a study on that. Cheers!
Sunday, March 9, 2014
March 9, 2014
Don and I cleaned out the pop-up tent trailer today and took pictures of it in order to list it for sale. It was a little sad because everything that I packed up had a memory attached. Things like the whistles on handmade beaded lanyards that Alex and Paige were made to wear in case of an emergency, the boxes of cards that kept us entertained during rainy days, the hammock that the kids would fight over.....etc... We had many great times in The Biosphere - the name we gave it on one of our first trips to the real Biosphere in Arizona. Luckily, we can move all these artifacts to the new trailer, so all is not lost. Although our children think that our hitches are a little loose for upgrading to a travel trailer, I now have learned that there is a term for the new adventure we are embarking on - "Glamping" =glamour + camping! I can't wait!
If you are interested or know someone who is in the market for a 1999 Coleman Sea Pine tent trailer, contact me.
Saturday, March 8, 2014
March 8, 2014
Tonight is the night that I dread the most...daylight savings time when we have to spring forward! It's not only the fact that it messes with your sleep cycle, but the thing that really bugs me is that we lose one precious hour of the weekend! To be is nice to leave work and it's bright daylight. This may motivate me to walk the dogs and go to the gym. Now someone needs to tell Mother Nature to stop with the snow so we can really spring into Spring!
Friday, March 7, 2014
March 7, 2014
My day didn't go as planned. I ended up going home this morning because that pesky stomach virus caught up with me. My dogs were the only ones happy about the whole situation-"Mom's home early! She wants to lay in bed with us all day -best day ever!" To stay positive, I lit candles in the bathroom and pretended I was at a fancy spa, participating in an expensive cleanse!
"I'm one stomach flu away from my goal weight" ~the Devil Wears Prada
Thursday, March 6, 2014
March 6, 2014
Don and I had a session with a personal trainer today. On our last anniversary, I gave Don 6 sessions to enjoy with me. As with many people, we have our on and off times exercising but we have been on a long stretch of no pain = much gain! To illustrate this further, I gave these gift certificates to Don last May! Well, after our get-to-know you interviews with the trainer -where I bragged about my knees and muscles being "like new" because they are not overused - I think the poor man thought he may need 911 on speed dial! We made it through the workout OK. Apparently we have to go back - I guess one session isn't enough since I don't see Sandra Bullock's body reflected in my mirror yet. Stay tuned!
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
March 5, 2014
I attended one of the public school Community Engagement meetings tonight. Usually I am hesitant to go to meetings that I think will be confrontational or emotionally draining. Tonight was neither of those things. It was a chance to talk with other people, to share ideas and come out with budget priorities. I sat with two people I knew and three people I didn't know. I found that it was very interesting to hear different perspectives and satisfying to find out that we could discuss hot topics in a positive and productive way. Hmmm....isn't that what we expect our students to do?
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
March 4, 2014
We are back late from going to Paige's concert in Fort Collins. She is in the CSU Concert band which is a non audition ensemble for students like Paige who love performing and playing music but aren't necessarily music majors. There are some music majors in the band but they are playing an instrument that they don't normally play. You wouldn't know this by listening to the concert however, because both the orchestra and band played beautifully. It is a little known fact that I was a music major my first semester at CSU. I played the violin and was not very good according to my orchestra professor who took great joy in pointing this out to me frequently. I cringe when I have to walk by his sculpture in the University Center for Performing Arts which has also been Alex's "home" for the last six years. Alex has assured me that the lighting fixture above the statue has not been "attended" to since he has been there! Love is shown in many ways!
Monday, March 3, 2014
March 3, 2014
Do you feel like time flies? Minutes, hours, days are just speeding by? Well, I have a solution...proctor a TCAP (Transitional Colorado Assessment Program) test. I assure you that 60 minutes will feel like decades! Today was the first day of the two week window of testing for all Jeffco students grade 3 and up. I am so used to multi tasking and running from one thing to the next to make every minute count that it is very hard for me to not do anything for an hour except observe students take a test. I am forced to experience the quiet, slow down, and sort through the voices in my head. I guess you could look at it as a form of meditation - to search your inner being - as long as that inner being doesn't blow through a stop sign!
Sunday, March 2, 2014
March 2, 2014
I thought the Academy Awards should receive an Academy Award for tonight's performance. I'm so glad that it is back to being a classy affair again. The gowns were beautiful, Ellen's jokes were funny and appropriate, and it ended at 10pm! The only thing that made me cringe was when Ellen was passing out the stains on all that high fashion courture? Of course she probably saved some of those women from passing out since they haven't eaten for days! Hats off to all the male hotties for bringing their mothers....note that Alex!
Saturday, March 1, 2014
March 1, 2014
I am lucky to have sisters. Pam, Debby, Barb, and Lori. Pam is watching over me from heaven and my other sisters are keeping an eye on me on good ol' planet earth. It is great to be able to talk to them in good times and in bad because they know me and all that has influenced me to be the person that I am. Some days you just need a little sister therapy....
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