Monday, May 1, 2023

Sand and Water Everywhere!

 Myrtle Beach Day 2:

While drinking coffee on the deck this morning, I noticed turtles emerging from the pond below us. I love turtles! I don’t know why I love turtles. Maybe it is because it is so calming to watch them glide through the water or that they grow old and wise as they silently move through the world. Anyway, I went down to the pond to get a closer look. I needn’t have worried about scaring them because as soon as they spotted me, they swarmed in the water towards me. I don’t think it was my animal magmatism that attracted them but probably the fact that other humans have fed them! 

This afternoon we headed out to the Kings North at Myrtle Beach Golf Course. It was a pretty day although a bit breezy - ok it was downright windy! Also the course was beautiful but there were sand traps and water everywhere! I always call hitting into the sand as “going to the beach” and my saying was fitting today because the sand traps actually had sea shells in them. Needless to say, we spent some time at “the beach” and lost track of how may balls were hit into the “drink”. Even though the course kicked our arses and there was a real threat of being mugged by the Grey squirrels, we had an excellent time. 

Another seafood dinner on the beach was a terrific ending to the day!


The biggest pine cone ever!

This one has a police record!

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