Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Ocean Breeze X 10

 Myrtle Beach Day 3:

Our first clue about how our day would be was when the kayak company called and asked if we wanted to reschedule since it was supposed to be windy - around 15 miles an hour. Since rescheduling  wasn’t an option and we had just golfed in similar winds, we thought we would go for it. 

We met the guide, Ryan, at a dock in North Myrtle beach and found that we were his only guests…clue #2..The trip involved kayaking down a marsh inlet to a private island right where the inlet opens up into the Atlantic Ocean. Paddling to the island took about 45 minutes and we had the wind at our backs and the current in our favor. Ryan pointed out birds and plants along the route as well some insight of what it’s like to live in Myrtle Beach. 

The island is privately owned and the only way you are supposed to get there is through a tour but some people swim over from the public beach. We saw only a few people and one horseback tour but mostly we had the beach to ourselves. Maybe it was because the wind was a little more than 15miles an hour - more like 30-40 miles an hour and the ocean was rough so even the heartiest of swimmers wouldn’t attempt the swim. Luckily we didn’t have to kayak through the ocean to access the island. On the island - which is called Waities Island - Ryan pointed out a plant called the Dill Pickle Weed. It really did taste like a salty dill pickle! 

With the wind at our backs, we enjoyed searching for seashells and learning about Canon Ball jellyfish, Horseshoe crabs, and other fun facts that Ryan came up with. Of course eventually we had to turn around and face the wind and the trip back.

I guess the hardest part about the trip back was the beginning. We had to fight the inlet current and ocean current which came together at the island plus the wind. After that it was still tough going since we were paddling against the current and the wind. After awhile we could paddle next to the rows of houses and along the inlet which protected us a little from the wind. Needless to say I was overjoyed to get back to the dock where we set off to find a celebratory beer!           


A calm beginning!


Great houses along the way

Dill Pickle Weed

Cannon Ball Jellyfish

Horseshoe Crab

The white is the sand blowing toward us

Our own private beach!

Piled up oysters but not the edible kind!

Ryan leading the bushwhacking trail back to the kayaks

Celebrating our achievement at Captain Archies

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