We were up early today to get on the road for our final journey into Canada. We were only a few miles away from the border and I was sure that we were in for a thorough search when they saw...1. We were from that weed loving state Colorado and 2. We were hauling a big trailer. Well, I was surprised that after
answering just a few questions, we were through! No search and they didn't even ask for Maggie's papers! I guess it was a good thing that we left our Grateful Dead t-shirts at home! We met up with one of Don's work associates who lives in Calgary, for lunch and then arrived at our campsite in the Banff National Park mid- afternoon.
We are boondocking which means we have no hookups- no electricity, no water,no cable(!) Actually, it is quite peaceful this way and the campsites are a little more scenic and not right next to your neighbors. We haven't done this in awhile so Don and I have some things to get used to. For instance, we will have to dust off the percolator to use in the morning instead of the Mr. Coffee and I have to hang out in the campground bathroom to charge my phone (pathetic- I know!) The weather was
perfect today but I think tomorrow may not be so nice. Regardless, we are going to check out the little town of Banff tomorrow come rain or shine.
Public park sites are typically much more spacious and peaceful than the privates (i.e., crammed). Tips for boondocking: To conserve water, use plastic dish pans (one for washing, one for rinsing). When done, toss this grey water down your toilet to conserve space in your grey tank. Happy trails!