Monday, June 20, 2016

"Oh Canada" Day 2

No Service

We traveled 10 hours today - through Idaho and then into Montana. We drove through beautiful countryside along the way including the Idaho side of the  Grand Tetons and lots of farmland. Unfortunately, Don didn't feel that we had the time for him to fish but saw two places which I understand is like the Mecca for fly fishermen/women - Henry's Fork and the Madison rivers in Idaho. It was another day of "No Service"  but at least now we have Internet (somewhat) at the KOA outside Glacier National Park. Tomorrow we head into Canada and I doubt that we will have Internet or phones which is quite frankly giving me the shakes! Going off the grid is not easy for this iPad, iPhone, iWatch girl! I guess it will be good for me to not Google, text, call, or Message for a few days.....! I will blog everyday and post when I can so stay tuned. 

Fun Fact: We drove through another Boulder today - Boulder, Montana population 1,298. I guess our pioneers were fond of the name!


 Our view from our campsite tonight. It was chilly but we still got ice cream and believe it or not, this photo was taken at 9:30pm!

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