Friday, February 13, 2015

February 13, 2015

Party Like It's 1870

Tonight we attended the 1870's dinner at Colorado State University. This was our second annual invitation to this special event for CSU supporters. This year it was on campus in the newly remodeled Student Center which is very beautiful and hardly recognizable to us old alumni! My in laws who are long time supporters, joined us for this fun evening. A highlight for me was listening to a speech by a current CSU student who grew up in Congo, Africa. An orphan by age three, her older sister was able to care for her and her siblings and eventually they were able to come to America. What a journey she has been on! We also heard from our new football coach and I have to say that he made an impression on me - which I did not expect from someone with the last name of Bobo..... We had a terrific time tonight...Go Rams!

P.S. The real reason why Cinderella ran out of the Ball was that a girl can only wear Spanx for a certain amount of time...just sayin!

Seranaded by the Pep Band!

With our CSU friend Shannon

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