Saturday, February 28, 2015

February 28, 2015

Sweet 88!

I'm in Fort Morgan this weekend to help my mom celebrate her 88th birthday! For the special occasion, I decided to dust off my mixer and bake her Esthers's Marmalade Cake.  There is a book series by Jan Karon that was popular a few years ago - the first book being At Home in Mitford. Mom and I read them all and every book mentions Esther's Marmalade cake so I decided that I should make it. I have mentioned before that baking is not one of my strong points and this cake illustrated this. Instead of a cake it looked more like a volcano science fair project. However, when I piled on the marmalade and the frosting, it was presentable ...from a certain angle. Luckily it tasted good and if you didn't have diabetes before you had a piece, you certainly did afterwards - it was that sweet! To make the evening even sweeter tonight, my nephew Toby, wife Abby, and brother in law, Randy helped celebrate. Happy Birthday (Tuesday) mom!

Friday, February 27, 2015

February 27, 2015

Farewell Mr. Spock 

I was deeply saddened when I heard about the passing of Leonard Nimoy today. Then I started questioning why I felt that way. Part of it is because I enjoyed his famous Mr. Spock role on Star Trek which I was an avid fan of growing up. So much so that when my appendix was bursting in 8th grade I remember hallucinating that I was on the deck of the USS Enterprise with Spock, Captain Kirk, and the rest of the crew! I guess that I am also grieving the loss of a person who continued to do good work throughout his life and remained a role model until his death. Not many celebrities have done that. Thanks for sharing your great talent Mr. Nimoy - may you find peace in your final frontier.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

February 26, 2015

Snow Day!

At 5am the phone rang. As a mother, it is disconcerting to get calls at odd hours but today it was the Snow Day call. Yippee! I had a great day just dawdling around the house - getting things done here and there. I did force myself to work a little and should have worked more but the little kid in me wanted to play on a snow day. Don was off today so he spread good will all over the neighborhood by letting his snowblower run rampant down sidewalks and up and down driveways. He has some good karma coming his way!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

February 25, 2015

Blind Race for Love

I don't know if you watch the Amazing Race but tonight began a new series. This time they paired up couples who didn't know each other - the  ultimate blind date. The problem is that the race isn't just one night. It is several days with high stress, little sleep, and probably not enough bathing in my opinion. I guess you would really know a person by the time you completed the race. Actually it might be better to race with a stranger. Don and I would be terrible on that show. I would have chronic bad hair and have a perpetual pout because of something Don said or did. Don would be oblivious to my protruding bottom lip but frustrated with my pokiness and bad sense of direction. Yep, I think we will keep doing our own amazing race traveling experiences especially because my race allows time for shopping!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

February 24, 2015

A Compliment...Butt...

Like many people, I sometimes carry my phone in my back pocket while at work. Yesterday, I had the third graders in the library sitting at the tables. As I was preparing to conduct the lesson, I turned my back to them and bent over to attend to the laptop cart. Suddenly, I heard a third grade boy exclaim, "Whoa! Check out that iPhone 6 plus!" Okay, once upon a time that compliment would have not been about my phone but at my age I'll take what I can get! Thank you!

Monday, February 23, 2015

February 23, 2015

On the Air

Last Fall, my Teacher Librarian colleague and friend, Lesa, talked me into something. She volunteered us to present a webinar to district Teacher Librarians and today was the day that we put on the headsets and made our webinar debut. Neither of us had ever presented a webinar and I must say that it was a fun experience. We have been working on our presentation for the last two months but when you enjoy who you're working with and are passionate about the subject - Integrating Technology at the Elementary Level- it doesn't seem like extra work. With the expert help of the webinar guru, Donette, it all went off without a hitch and I hope that the Teacher Librarians who attended found it beneficial. I asked if we could have a weekly Donna and Lesa show and they said they would get back to us....we could call it the Delicious Tech Dish....!

  Similar but not equal to...

Sunday, February 22, 2015

February 22, 2015

And the Oscar Goes To....

I watched the Academy Awards tonight but have not seen any of the movies up for awards. Every year I make it a goal to see them all and then some so I can really participate...on the couch. Until then I watch for fashion faux pas and bad behavior. I didn't see any of that tonight. Everyone looked nice...and covered. It was actually kind of boring but there was some politicizing. I don't know if I would ever want to actually attend the Oscars. It would take a lot of gym time, surgery, and money to just walk in the front door...not to mention that "Kohls" probably wouldn't be the best response to the "who are you wearing" question. Nah...I'll just keep my couch seat where I can wear my sweats and be as catty as I want with no repercussions!

P.S. Lady Gaga was spectacular!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

February 21, 2015

The STEM of All Things

Well, the weather held out, I got out of bed and I made it to my iPad training this morning. As always, this session of the iPad Institute was not disappointing. The focus was using iPads in STEM lessons. STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and math. I got to spend the morning playing with all kinds of apps that focused on these topics - coding, building a structure with spaghetti and marshmallows and recording it with stop-motion animation, photographing angles in the room and then labeling them in an app, just to name a few. There is so much that is possible to do on this terrific device that all results in fun and learning. Yes, I continually drink the koolaid and it is delicious! 

Friday, February 20, 2015

February 20, 2015


The big news story is the snow storm that we will be getting this weekend. Snow-nado! Snowcastrophe! I'm all for the precipitation and to be forced into hibernation for the weekend but unfortunately I have a class to go to in the morning. Jefferson County School District has cancelled all activities this weekend in anticipation of this big weather event but unfortunately my class is in the Englewood School District who don't seem too concerned. I won't know until 6am whether the conditions will cause the class to be cancelled. On the positive side, if I get up at 6am and find out I don't have to go, I'll get a head start on my day.....or in reality will just go back to bed for a later start! Stay warm everyone!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

February 19, 2015

Happy Chinese New Year!

Today begins the Chinese New Year. This is the year of the Goat/sheep. People born this year will be serene and calm. I was born during the year of the Tiger. People born during this year are brave, competitive, unpredictable and self confident. I need to check my birth certificate because that is not how I would describe myself. I've been told that I probably was born during the year of the Ass but that isn't even one of the animals. If I had to pick, I think I would pick the year of the Dog. Oh well, regardless, I think it will be a great year...Go Rams!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

February 18, 2015


Every other week I have one, sometimes two high school students help me out in the library to earn National Honor Society service hours. It is great to have them help and they are fun to have around. I try to give them specific directions when assigning tasks and remember my audience. For example, today I was having them number some iPad bags. While explaining how I wanted the number written, I noticed weird looks on their faces when I said, "number sign" so quickly added, "you know, hashtag#" Instant understanding. #speakteenager #stayinghip

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

February 17, 2015

Random Acts of Kindness Day

Today was Random Acts of Kindness Day. How did you do? I forgot about it until about half way through the day. I performed a little one but I think I will be on the lookout all week for more opportunities. However, I was the recipient of an act of kindness today. I made it a point to leave work early enough so I could shovel my driveway in the daylight. I didn't get home from the airport last night until 11:30pm so I broke Don's rule of not driving on the driveway until it is shoveled. He was coming home tonight so I thought I could get it done and he would never know(!) I started shoveling - there was about 5 inches and it was wet and heavy. Just when I started concentrating on the calories I would burn by the time I got done, my neighbor came by and asked if I needed help. He brought his snow blower over and finished the entire driveway in no time. What a guy! Thanks Dave!

Monday, February 16, 2015

February 16, 2015

Airport Musings

I'm sitting in the airport waiting for my delayed plane. I'm bored so I decided to start noting some observations: 
Yoga pants are the new travel attire, leggings a close second.
If you don't have a device in your hand, you are not in the majority.
Seats in the terminal are chosen by outlet access.
Most luggage is black.
TSA agents don't appreciate jokes as you depart the body scanner such as, "where can I pick up my mammogram results?"
Ticket agents don't get paid near enough money or should get combat pay.
It's hard to read when you're eavesdropping.
Many people underestimate the size of their carry-ons...not being able to lift it above your head is a clue.
Just sayin'....

February 15, 2015

From One to 1AM

Another fun day in the desert! The sun finally made an appearance at the pool, 30 minutes before we had to leave. The employees said that they don't usually have the pool as busy this time of year but it was another 80 degree day. We felt the heat making our way to down  the Strip later that afternoon- but I'm not complaining because I know what is awaiting me later on today in Denver! 

We attended the Michael Jackson Cirque Du Soleil show, One at Mandalay Bay. I wanted to go to this show because Michael Jackson had always been a favorite of mine and also because a friend and lighting design mentor of Alex's was a lighting designer for the show. And what a show it was! It was very entertaining and a terrific tribute to the King of Pop...and the lighting was phenomenal! 

After enjoying dinner with some of Don's colleagues also attending the conference, we came up with the idea to visit Fremont street in downtown Las Vegas. I had never been there at night and it was a very fun experience. There were a lot of unique people around and a great 80's band called Spandex Nation. I'm pretty sure the band members were my age, wearing wigs, and possibly Spanx, but they were good. As the evening progressed as well as our "spirits", our friend Jesse and Don came up with the idea to zip line down Fremont street. It sounded like the time of inception...We lined up at our alotted time - 11:40pm and then waited, and waited and I got progressively nervous about this great around 12:45am we were fitted into harnesses, taken up in a rickety elevator to the top of the tower to be strapped in another harness in superman position to fly. At 1 am, the door opened (they have it shut so you don't prematurely freak out..too late....and we pushed off to fly! I have to admit that even though this was way out of my comfort zone, it was a blast! I can now mark "flying" off my Bucket List...I didn't even know it was on there!

At  the Cirque du Soleil show, One

Fremont street

Beginning to doubt this brilliant plan!

Jesse ready to fly!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

February 14, 2015

Vegas Valentine

We headed to Las Vegas for Valentines Day since I had a four day weekend and Don has a conference that begins on Monday. Love and kindness was in the air even on the airplane. Sitting on the hot aircraft waiting to leave and then finding out that we all had to get off and move to a different plane at the other end of the concourse could have resulted in grumpy, irritated people. But we were surrounded by people from a small town in Wyoming whose cheerful attitudes like, "yep it's better to be on a plane that works than one that doesn't" and other positive comments, made our whole section feel almost celebratory about the situation. It was a great way to start off our mini vacation. 

Currently, I'm sitting by the pool feeling the effects of a great night out in Vegas with my Valentine. I'm sure when the sun starts shining down and my coffee kicks in, I'll be re-energized for another fun filled day in Vegas!

The beautiful Venitian Hotel.

Happy Vegas Valentines Day!

Friday, February 13, 2015

February 13, 2015

Party Like It's 1870

Tonight we attended the 1870's dinner at Colorado State University. This was our second annual invitation to this special event for CSU supporters. This year it was on campus in the newly remodeled Student Center which is very beautiful and hardly recognizable to us old alumni! My in laws who are long time supporters, joined us for this fun evening. A highlight for me was listening to a speech by a current CSU student who grew up in Congo, Africa. An orphan by age three, her older sister was able to care for her and her siblings and eventually they were able to come to America. What a journey she has been on! We also heard from our new football coach and I have to say that he made an impression on me - which I did not expect from someone with the last name of Bobo..... We had a terrific time tonight...Go Rams!

P.S. The real reason why Cinderella ran out of the Ball was that a girl can only wear Spanx for a certain amount of time...just sayin!

Seranaded by the Pep Band!

With our CSU friend Shannon

Thursday, February 12, 2015

February 12, 2015

Share the Love

This morning started bright and early. The Social Committee somehow convinced me to bring an egg casserole to a special breakfast for our paraprofessionals. Actually I didn't mind at all because I wanted our paras to feel the love and thank them for all their hard work. I was a para for nine years so I know how much they work for little pay and how many hours they work for free. The challenge for me was to get to school by 7am! I am not an early bird but somehow I managed it. I'm so glad that I did because the Social Committee outdid themselves - the decorations were spectacular and there was tons of food. I quit whining about the time because it was nice to sit down and have breakfast with colleagues - a great way to start the day! Thank you Sue, Kerri, Danielle and all the other party planners for a Pinterest Pallooza that was Perfect!

I had to post a picture of Rachel's Vending Machine Valentine box!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

February 11, 2015

May the Odds Be Ever in Your Favor

We only go through life once - although I don't kill insects just in case they were relatives and sometimes I'm pretty sure I was royalty at one time. But I digress....I would like everyone to be happy and it bothers me when people get stuck doing something that makes them unhappy. Life is too short to be miserable. Anyway, I ran across this quote and thought I would share it.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

February 10, 2015

Special Green Delivery

Just when I officially closed my Birthday Season, I received a special package from my little sister Lori. It was a box of gifts called the Conscious Collections and contained all natural and good for the environment products to pamper yourself with. Lotions, shampoo, soap, tea, Aztec cocoa, snacks.....all kinds of great stuff for the high maintenance me but environmentally responsible! One of the best things about this gift is that it supports the Teens Turning Green student led organization who are "devoted to education and advocacy around environmental sustainability, personal health, and socially responsible choices for individuals, schools, and communities." What a great surprise! Thanks Lori!

Monday, February 9, 2015

February 9, 2015

Board Games

Today was Lounge in the Library at one of my schools. Lounge in the Library is a reward for all of the  students who read over 12 days during Winter Break where they get to come to the library during their lunch recess and play games. We put out puzzles, checkers, Jenga, Battleship and other games that kids can choose to play during their time. Here was a revelation made by a first grade boy  while he was playing Jenga. "Mrs. Ostwald I know why we have board games. We have them in case the electricity goes out." Yes, I should not expect less from a digital native! 

Sunday, February 8, 2015

February 8, 2015


I was reminded last week that I was becoming unbalanced- working too much and dwelling too much on situations at work. There were two major things that reminded me. One was talking with a friend who is dealing with a toddler with major medical problems. This type of situation reminds us of what our life priorities truly are. The other event that reminded me that I was wallowing too much in work situations was the day I came home totally down and negative only to see a tremendous amount of birthday wishes on my timeline. This made me realize how much positivity I have in my life if I stop looking down and look up and see it. Visualize a teeter totter. If you sit on the ground your life is just hanging but if you balance, life will be more fun!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

February 7, 2015

Sunny Day

I hope everyone in Colorado got to enjoy our sunny, seventy-three degree day today. Although a little breezy at times at our house, it was a great preview of Spring. If that wasn't enough, Paige made a surprise visit for the weekend. I'm going to keep focusing on my half full glass and pretend that Paige doesn't have to leave tomorrow and that snow and cold will not visit again before the true Spring appears! Cheers!

White caps on the lake ...but sunny and warm!

Friday, February 6, 2015

February 6, 2015


The Arvada Center did it again. They put on an outstanding, hilarious, and wonderfully entertaining performance of Harvey. All of the actors played their parts perfectly and Don and I have a kink in our necks to prove it. We had to exchange our next week tickets for tonight and could only get front row tickets. We were up close and personal! Did you know that the playwright, Mary Chase, is from Denver? Well, now you do! Harvey has a fun plot and as always, the set and costumes were perfect!
I suggest you buy a ticket for you and your imaginary friend!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

February 5, 2015

Today is the Day!

Today was the peak of my birthday actual birthday! I have to say that everyone should celebrate their birthday at an elementary school. I received several Happy Birthday hugs from students! My para ( and friend) Cheri, spoiled me with Starbucks, flowers, and lunch! I always think I should take a vacation day on this annual event but that would be a bad choice. My dog certainly couldn't deliver all this love! Thank you to all who sent heartfelt birthday wishes via Facebook too . I feel really special! Oh and I had a great dinner out with the hubby! 

Both of  my wonderful kids texted me first thing this morning = best gift ever!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

February 4, 2015

Chair Man

I have a friend who mentioned that he is taking an upholstery cleaning class. All of a sudden my mind flashed to the two wing back chairs that were donated to one of my libraries over 17 years ago and, "Do you need anything to practice on?" flew out of my mouth! Sure enough they did so this afternoon he stopped by and loaded those well read, kid germy loungers into the back of his SUV. I think my principal and para hope the chairs disenegrate during their spruce up but I'm thinking we can get 20,000 more bottoms into them and 40,000 more stories out of them for another ten years....for free! Thanks Jason!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

February 3, 2015

Sew Nice!

Tonight I came home to an unexpected and wonderful surprise! In celebration of my Birthday Season, my friend Marie dropped off a spectacular present - a sweater that she embroidered especially for me! She is a crafty one (in many ways!) and I feel honored that she spent the time and talent to make this special gift for me. The next time we're together, I'll let her finish off the bottle!
Thanks Marie!

Monday, February 2, 2015

February 2, 2015

Groundhog Beaver Day

It was a big day for Punxsutawney Phil who, if you didn't hear, saw his shadow so we will see 6 more weeks of winter. That's like saying if Donna goes into Kohls, she will end up at a clearance rack! It's only February...of course we will have more winter! Don and I found out that we have our own little critter in our community. As we were walking around the neighborhood pond on Saturday, we started to see a few small trees chopped down. As we looked closer, we realized that they weren't chopped down but chewed down. Yes folks, there are beaver among us! We've been noticing that the pond had been flooding more than usual so I think they have been busy for awhile. It's funny how  when you're camping in the mountains and see evidence of beaver you don't think anything of it but when they're just down the street from your house, you worry about them becoming partial to your trees! I'm thinking they may be seeing a shadow of a trap soon!

The telltale evidence..

Sunday, February 1, 2015

February 1, 2015

Neutral Fan

I watched the Super Bowl with no allegiance to either team today which was a much different experience than last year when our beloved Broncos choked on prime time! It was quite a game and a heart breaker if you were a Seahawks fan. I'll be honest - I watched the game primarily for the commercials. I was almost as choked up during the commercials this year as I was during the game last year! I guess the positive view is that the serious ads may have caused more awareness of serious issues but personally  I would rather laugh than cry into my dip. Katy Perry did a nice job with the halftime show, especially singing Firework which was prophetic of the end of the game scuffle between the players. Yes it was a very different Super Bowl - entertainment without emotion.