Tuesday, December 9, 2014

December 9, 2014


About mid-day I wanted to just go home, get under the blankets and forget all responsibilities. No, I wasn't sick- just experiencing a no-good-rotten day. Things were piling up, going wrong, and I was making mistakes. In the midst of my drowning, the principal stopped by. Realizing she walked into the eye of the storm, she could have back stroked out of my office as fast as she could and waited for calmer seas but instead she jumped in with both feet and asked, "how can I help you?" Just like that I saw the clouds part as we came up with a plan. When I was leaving way past quitting time tonight, her car was still there-probably because she had to catch up on the work she neglected in order to help me. I am determined to pay this good deed forward. The next time I see someone over their head I'm grabbing my snorkel! Thanks Patti!

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