Wednesday, December 31, 2014

December 31, 2014

Happy New Year!

I wonder if entering the new year is like the beginning of Spring - in like a lamb, out like a lion. If so, watch out this time next year, the Ostwalds will be uncontrollable wild and crazy cats! Our night tonight started out great with me winning one out of two Clue games with Don and Alex. Unfortunately, I am now sitting on the couch after going bankrupt at the hands of Alex "the Trump" who owned the majority of the Monopoly board! Yes, it is a quiet New Year's Eve but we are still awake to watch the ball drop, we have already tapped into the revered New Years cheese ball and the champagne is waiting in the snow drift on the deck. I can't think of anything else we need to welcome the new year....except maybe always need more chocolate. Happy 2015!

The Lucky Cheeseball!

The hip twenty somethings in the basement!

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

December 30, 2014

To Blog or Not To Blog - That is the Question

Last January 1 I made a New Years resolution to blog every day for 365 days. The reason behind this pledge was to make myself focus on something positive every day, hence the name of the blog - Living Positive. I will be honest - there were days that I had to dig deep to find something on the bright side. However, I have realized that there are many more positive events that happen to me every day than negative. I think this is a fact for most people but too often we let the negative block our view of the good stuff. My family can attest to the fact that posting my renderings every night was sometimes challenging due to poor internet while traveling and trying to stay awake to hit the send button! But unless something drastic happens tomorrow, I will meet my goal with my post tomorrow night.

Here is my question to you oh faithful readers. Would you like me to continue my blog in 2015? If so, please hit "like" and make a comment if you are so inclined to let me know how often - daily, weekly, every full moon, etc. I get a kick out of people who tell me that they read it so it would help me if I had your input. Thank you!

Monday, December 29, 2014

December 29, 2014

Mess the Halls

It seems like no matter how much I pick up lately, the house stays messy. Part of the problem is that I'm not used to having my kids home - usually it is just me cluttering up the place but now I have two more messers- it must be genetic.  Another contribution to the mess is distraction. I start straightening the Christmas cards and then I sit down and read them again. I start putting presents away but then don't because I need to leave them out so I remember to write thank you notes.  I start doing the dishes and then decide I need another Christmas cookie and a cup of tea. I need to sit down to drink the tea and see that the Harry Potter movie marathon is on.....and so on. Oh well, tomorrow is another day!


Sunday, December 28, 2014

December 28, 2014

25 Years of Someone Special

Twenty-five years ago I met the second love of my life - my son Alexander Joseph. He took his time making an appearance - he was due on December 21st but held off until the 28th. In hindsight it worked out for the best since I think it is much easier to have a birthday after Christmas than right before. Also, a parent can take advantage of those after Christmas sales if you know what I mean! Alex is such a wonderful person and keeps getting better with age. Happy Birthday Alex!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

December 27, 2014

Wedding Celebration

We prolonged our stay in Fort Morgan after Christmas in order to visit with my sister from California and local relatives and also to attend a wedding reception today for a special friend. Jeff became my husband's friend in elementary school. There are many memories of their childhood escapades in the neighborhood and later through junior high and high school. We have tried to stay in touch but we haven't seen Jeff in a long time since he is now living out of state. Today, however, we not only got to see him but we also got to celebrate his September marriage to Sharon at a reception at a local church. It was terrific to get to visit with him and meet his new wife and also to see other friends from high school - as well as some teachers! There is something special about being "home" and reconnecting with friends who hold a special place in our hearts. Congratulations Jeff and Sharon!

Don, Jeff and Sharon

Friday, December 26, 2014

December 26, 2014

Calm After the Storm

A relaxing snowy day was just the ticket the day after Christmas. It was especially laid back because we spent it at my mom's house. Because we weren't home, we weren't distracted by laundry or attending to the endless list of things to do around the house and for work. No, today the only big thing to do was decide which chair to move to next and which cookie to consume. We were a little productive - my sister Lori showed us her awesome photos that she took on her September African Safari and I also managed to get my Christmas cards done! Yay! 

Photo by Lori

Thursday, December 25, 2014

December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas!

A wonderful day spent in Fort Morgan with the Duvall family! We hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas as well!


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

December 24, 2014

Happy Christmas Eve!

The weather cooperated with our travel plans to Dillon today. Don's sister Shelly lives there with her family so we went over the river and past the woods to their house this afternoon. We had a terrific Christmas Eve dinner with them and Don's parents. It is this time together that make all of the hectic preparations for the holidays worth it. After we returned home, our family got to open one present as is our tradition- new pjs from mom- all washed and ready to settle in for a long winters nap. Happy Christmas Eve and to all a good night!

Maggie is not thrilled with her jammies!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

December 23, 2014

Smart Cookies

Today was baking day. If it was up to me we would skip the holiday baking but my daughter loves to bake - she thrives on the chemistry of it - so we spent the day in the kitchen. Don and Alex helped out by eating the cookies that didn't pass quality control and decorated a few. I spent the day as dishwasher/sink technician- a sticky job but someone has to do it.

Although I've done pretty well getting ready for the holidays, I'm really feeling like I could use one more day before Christmas sister Debby summed it up, "I'm never ready for Christmas but somehow it happens!" Well said! IT starts tomorrow!

Monday, December 22, 2014

December 22, 2014


I am so proud of my new Christmas decoration this year! I am quite a fan of the movie A Christmas Story and have wanted this lamp for a long time. My Amazon points and I decided that this was the year, so we placed the order. Now my home office is complete for the holidays. The best part is that the window faces the street so everyone passing by can appreciate my great taste. I might even win a major award!


Sunday, December 21, 2014

December 21, 2014

Thank yous

During this holiday season, I am inspired to give thank yous, glad tidings, and joy. Here are a few from today:

  • Thank you Toll Free telemarketer for making sure that I got up and out of bed this morning.
  • Thank you to all the Costco snack ladies and gentlemen who fortify me throughout my shopping trip.
  • Thank you lady in Costco for letting me know my cart bumped your fragile hinny and for your bark being worse than your bite.
  • Thank you Costco for opening all of your checkout lanes and for your smiling clerks.
  • Thank you Target employee for diffusing my tantrum by showing me that fresh hash browns are just as good as the sold out frozen ones.
  • Thank you American economy for making a comeback so our stores are busy and parking lots are full.
  • Thank you Pfizer Company for your wonderful product, Advil, that keeps me smiling!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

December 20, 2014


Today was an uneventful day - and I loved every minute of it. I slept in and had no schedule at all. I didn't have to be anywhere except around my house. I had plenty to do with Christmas just a few days away but set my own pace and even made the time to read and knit. I'm sure these uneventful filled days would get old if they happened all the time but they are sure nice every once in awhile.  Tomorrow I may venture out....or maybe not....

Friday, December 19, 2014

December 19, 2014

Party On

Tonight was the Christmas party at my house for the staff at one of my schools. Lots of laughter,  good food, Holly Jolly Christmas drink, special Gummy Bears, White Elephant gift exchange, Catch Phrase, Jolly Holly Christmas drink, fire pit, funny stories, Lolly lolly drinkie poo....

Thursday, December 18, 2014

December 18, 2014

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Tomorrow is the last day of school before Winter Break. It will be amazing if any academic success is achieved while dreams of sugar plum fairies and sleeping in dance through our heads. The school that I will be at tomorrow has encouraged the staff to participate in the second annual ugly Christmas sweater contest. Here is my problem-I have rarely met a Christmas sweater that I didn't like. I own a few sweaters and have deemed Them all "festive"  but not"ugly". Jimmy Fallon has had a different "ugly" Christmas sweater featured the past few nights and I have liked every one. What does that say about me? Is it wrong that I have Christmas jewelry and socks to complete my outfits this time of year? Is it terrible that I could go another week (maybe two) wearing holiday cheer every day without repeating an ensemble? I think not- 'tis the season to be jolly and appropriately dressed. I will just wear one of my not so favorite sweaters tomorrow so I won't feel so bad if I win the contest. 

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

December 17, 2014


I had a meeting in downtown Denver this morning. What is the big deal about that you wonder? Well, for someone like me who is directionally challenged, it is a huge deal. It's not like I  haven't been downtown before - it's just that I don't understand the layout. A one way street here, one there, and that street is diagonal and which parking lot is cheapest and how do I turn into it?! The navigation on my phone does help a little and I was able to find the right building and remember where my car was when it was time to attempt the trip home. After Christmas I want to experience riding the light rail downtown which has to be way easier than driving there. In fact, I think I might go there more often when the commuter line opens in Arvada. Next I need to learn the social norms for crosswalk etiquette. Apparently people downtown don't like to chit chat first thing in the morning.....go figure ...

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

December 16, 2014

Cozy Paramecium 

A lit up Christmas tree at night just makes the house cozy. Is it because of the soft glow of the lights or the association of the tree with fond memories of Chritmas' past? While contemplating this pine ponderance, I realized something awful. My paramecium was missing! In second grade, our teacher Mrs. Davis, had us make Christmas ornaments by melting crayon shavings between wax paper with an iron- I think an adult did the ironing part since I have no visual scars. For some reason, this ornament holds a special place in my heart and I have made sure that it has been on every Christmas tree where I resided. To my mother's relief it went with me after I was married and now I have to make sure my children don't "accidentally forget" to put it on the tree - which I'm sure is what happened this year. However, all is well. I found it at the bottom of the ornament box and now it is in its place of honor on o' Tannenbaum. 

I call it a paramecium because of its shape.

Monday, December 15, 2014

December 15, 2014

Party Prizes

I had a party for my library assistants at one of my schools today. I call them LA Kids and they are 5th and 6th grade students who volunteer their time once a week to help out in the library - shelving books ( most of the time in the right place), checking books in and helping younger kids check out books. There are 21 of them and they are really helpful. I love seeing the sense of responsibilty they take on when working in the library. This year there is one student who can only help at recess and does not have a scholarly reputation. When he reports for library duty however, he is strictly business. It is great to see him take pride in his work and today it paid off. At the party, they got to cash in their tickets for prizes. Every time they worked this semester, they earned one ticket. The prizes were donated books, posters from the Book Fair, and assorted junk that kids love and moms hate to find laying around the house. Some prizes required more tickets than others but this librarian marked the books way down so they would pick a book over the nostril pencil sharpener! One student who worked every day after school turning off computers, bought 12 books! It was a fun time and I think most of the kids walked away with some kind of treasure. Party #2 with the LA Kids at the other school is Thursday....I need to go to bed!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

December 14, 2014

Christmas Vacation

One more week of extreme busyness and then...Christmas vacation! To get in the mood for if.....we watched National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation tonight. To me, this is a Christmas classic that makes me laugh every time. I just realized that this movie came out in 1989- the same year Alex was born -which makes it extra special. And some of it was filmed in Breckenridge! If you have never seen it you should. 

P.S. I have not been feeling 100% this weekend but when I witnessed Payton Manning continue to play football in between IV treatments, I figured I could probably make it through the week! Now that is dedication! I wonder if I could set something up with the clinic aide.......

Saturday, December 13, 2014

December 13, 2014

O Christmas Tree

Today was our 23rd annual Christmas tree hunt. We started the first Christmas back from California when Alex was almost 3 and Paige was not yet a glimmer in my eye. The Forest Service offers various locations but for the past few years we have gone up near Red Feather Lakes so we could pick the kids up in Fort Collins on the way. We have tromped through the forest in all kinds of weather. One year when it was below zero, we had two of the ugliest trees in the state because we were in a hurry before frost bite set in and many of the needles broke off the frozen trees during our trip home. Today was a beautiful day. Not too cold and just enough snow on the ground to make it feel like the Christmas season. I think we got two beauties today. We have come to accept that the trees we find will never be perfect like the pruned ones on the tree lots but they are fresh and many times we get the bonus of built in pine cone decorations. Don loved the fact that he had Alex another year to haul out the heaviest one. Our hunt is always followed by a picnic lunch, cookies, and hot chocolate. Tomorrow the decorating begins!

Over the river and to the woods

On the hunt

It's a good one

Great day for a picnic

Friday, December 12, 2014

December 12, 2014

She Loves Me

Alex is home for the holidays! It will be great to have him around for awhile although now I will have to share the remote! We all went to the Arvada Center tonight to see She Loves Me which was a romantic comedy. The set was beautiful, costumes attractive, actors terrific, story - ho hum- not one of my favorites but well done and the dog was cute. All and all an entertaining night out!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

December 11, 2014

Lingering with Friends

Tonight we had drinks and dinner with long time friends, Paula and Jim. Although we both live in the metro area, we live on opposite sides so it seems like hundreds of miles! I met Paula at my first job out of college and we have stayed in touch ever since. It was wonderful to catch up and Left us wondering why we don't get together more often. I guess we all need to be reminded to slow down every once in awhile and nurture the special relationships that we have....but maybe not on a week night...6am is going to be rough tomorrow!

Don, Jim, me and Paula at Lingers in the Highlands. Fun restaurant that used to be Olingers. Mortuary!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

December 10, 2014

Maggie Lovin'

Scarlett has been gone 3 months now and it has been interesting how Miss Maggie May's personality has evolved since then. Scarlett was the oldest and the dominant dog of the house so Maggie was always following her lead. Dog toys were always torn up and sometimes certain apparel was the treat of the day. Lately Maggie has been showing us how smart she is by opening my office door and all the bedroom doors every day. She unpacked my suitcase last week but didn't t tear anything up- just showed me she could do it if she wanted to. Or maybe she was just telling me that I needed to stay home. The new toys I bought her as a treat for waiting in the car for me to shop - if you have shopped with me you know that these treats were well deserved- have not been torn up at all. She really takes care of her toys. Maggie is also learning to snuggle more which is always a welcome treat for me. We still would like to get another canine sister for her - probably this summer when we are home a little more but we haven't had a puppy for awhile so I better store up some energy! 


Tuesday, December 9, 2014

December 9, 2014


About mid-day I wanted to just go home, get under the blankets and forget all responsibilities. No, I wasn't sick- just experiencing a no-good-rotten day. Things were piling up, going wrong, and I was making mistakes. In the midst of my drowning, the principal stopped by. Realizing she walked into the eye of the storm, she could have back stroked out of my office as fast as she could and waited for calmer seas but instead she jumped in with both feet and asked, "how can I help you?" Just like that I saw the clouds part as we came up with a plan. When I was leaving way past quitting time tonight, her car was still there-probably because she had to catch up on the work she neglected in order to help me. I am determined to pay this good deed forward. The next time I see someone over their head I'm grabbing my snorkel! Thanks Patti!

Monday, December 8, 2014

December 8, 2014

Party On!

Tis the season to be merry! Tonight I started the party season with my Used-to-play-Bunco group. We have been getting together for years to play Bunco and then we decided to quit playing Bunco because it was getting in the way of visiting, eating, and drinking. Now we just get together every once in awhile to not play Bunco. It is so nice to be with people that you have a history with - many of these friends I have known for twenty years. They are as comfortable as old sweatpants to hang out with but much more classy! Thanks friends for all our years of laughter and snowmen!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

December 7, 2014

World's Ugliest

Ok faithful readers, think back to my previous November post when I went to the ceramics shop with friends. I painted an oval dish while visiting, drinking beer and eating snacks. Well, I forgot all about picking it up until I ran across the receipt so I swung by for my masterpiece today. It was in the window with the other pieces made by children. I don't think it is my best work and I should probably postpone any hopes of being a famous ceramic artist....maybe if I cut out the snacks next time and switch to wine.....


Saturday, December 6, 2014

December 6, 2014

Decking the Halls

Well today I finally started decorating for Christmas. Last year I tried to weed out decorations that were old and broken but I still have several boxes and didn't get all the decorating done. My goal is to have the house completely finished before we go get our trees next weekend. Of course while I spread the Christmas spirit throughout the house, I needed motivation so I tuned into the Hallmark channel for their Christmas movie marathon. All the movies are predictable and sappy but I still enjoy them. Tomorrow is round two but the Bronco game might slow me down. My father in law is going to the game in my place so that I can get things done while watching the game with my mother in law. I thought that was nice of him!

Friday, December 5, 2014

December 5, 2014

Other Side of the Story

Through the years I have learned to not judge- that there are always two sides of the story. Of course this is hard to do and I am not a master of it yet. For example, I used to think that the three little pigs were just innocent porkers until I read The True Story of the Three Little Pigs book by Jon Scieszka. Now tonight I found out that there was more behind the story of Sleeping Beauty than I was told at story time. We finally watched Maleficent. First of all, what a beautiful movie- the set, characters, animation - just gorgeous! And then there is Angelina with her high cheekbone, full lips badness. I think Maleficent should be the representative of all us older women who may seem mean and heartless but deep down are still beautiful creatures fighting the evil that lurks in the hormonal forest. But I digress - it was a relief to know that Maleficent had a caring heart and has been misunderstood all these years. Now I want to know more about Snow White and her friends and whether Hansel and Gretel's stepmom served time for child abandonment. Maybe those movies will come out soon.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

December 4, 2014

Peter Pan Flies

I admit it. I watched it. I tuned in tonight to watch the live production of Peter Pan on NBC. Unlike most, I wanted to view out of curiosity. The same curiosity that prompts us to watch where the ambulance is going or when you anticipate a train wreck. It was my opinion that the live musical, Sound of Music, presented last year was horrible from start to finish so I expected the same tonight. However, I was pleasantly surprised. The actors were wonderful and were well rehearsed. The camera shots were smooth and it didn't feel like a stage production. Hec, Christopher Walken even knew his lines! The production probably wasn't award winning but the dog was cute and I was entertained- probably because I will never grow up either!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

December 3, 2014


Alex called tonight to thank me for the Finals Week Survival kit that I had sent to him. After he left in August, the Universtiy of South Florida sent me a form to send a kit so I did. I didn't know at the time that I would be seeing him a week before his finals and could have given him a survival kit in person. Actually, he inherited two bottles of wine and a six pack of beer from our trip and I think that is an awesome survival kit in itself...Anyway, Alex reminded me that I had written an encouraging quote on the card. It was, "In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure." By this time in our conversation I am pretty proud of myself because that is a great quote. Then he asked me when I wrote it because it just so happens that  the author of that quote is Bill Cosby....whoops! What a difference a few months make! Oh well, I guess I get an A- for trying....

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

December 2, 2014

Retirement Celebration

This evening Don and I attended a retirement ceremony for our close friend, Gary Creager. He retired after 32 years with the Arvada Police Department and was currently the department's Lieutenant Commander. We have known Gary and family for 20 years and know that he is a terrific guy so it was great to hear about all of his accomplishments throughout his career and receive the accolades that he deserves. To make the event even more special, his son Kevin was able to take leave from his Air Force assignment and attend the ceremony. Gary has made a huge impact on the Arvada community and will be missed. However, he is not done with his service. He will step into the role of Police Chief for the city and county of Broomfield this month. We wish him all the best and I will drive the speed limit to Flatirons Mall from now on!

Kevin, Karen and Gary

Monday, December 1, 2014

December 1, 2014

Warning: Computer Games Cause Hugs

It was the first day back after a week long break so most of the students and teachers were still in the slow stages of turkey coma emergence. However, I had a great class today with kindergarteners. I taught them how to use the mousepad and get comfortable with using laptops.  Even though it was obvious which students didn't have experience with computers, they caught on and took to it like ducks on water. To help them practice, there were some computer games that I let them play. It was the end of the day, but these kids were terrific listeners and followed directions very well. As they were leaving, one boy broke from line in order throw his arms around me and exclaim, "I love computer games!" That, my friends, is why I do what I do!