Tuesday, September 16, 2014

September 16, 2014

Poetry Power

Tonight I attended an event sponsored by the Jefferson County International Reading  Association. The guest speaker was Jovan Mays. Jovan is a poet with an education background. He is currently the Poet Laureate for the city of Aurora which charges him with being an advocate for poetry, literacy and literature, give public readings and lead creative writing in schools.

When Jovan recited his poems, it was so heartfelt and so powerful, I couldn't help but get caught up in the emotion. He also shared his experiences as a challenging elementary student and made all of us educators in the room reflect on how we handle our non-traditional students. It was a very motivational evening that I hope will stay with me for awhile. 

Poet Laureate Jovan Mays http://www.jovanmays.com/

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