Tuesday, September 30, 2014

September 30, 2014

Planning vs. Panic

I have to admit that I am a little bit of a procrastinator- especially in my personal life. I am as far away from a Type A personality that I can get...I guess that makes me a Z personality. However, I am much better at being organized and planning ahead at work. But regardless of work or home, I find that I am more productive when I'm super busy than when I have fewer things to do - which is weird. I guess I need the pressure and feeling of sheer panic to light a fire under me! I have to say that my son is a lot like me and my daughter is a planner. An example of this was the 5th grade Jamestown project. Alex, (7:30pm) "mom! My project is due tomorrow!" Paige, (3 weeks before due date) mom! I need to start my project!" But whether it is 3 weeks of angst or just a very long 24 hours, when it's all said and done, both my children are pretty darn successful in their endeavors. 

With all that said, I leave you with one of my favorite quotes that guides me often...
"I'll think about that tomorrow" ~Scarlett O'Hara

Monday, September 29, 2014

September 29, 2014

A Tree Grows in Arvada

Colorado has wonderful views- I think the majority of us would not dispute this. Well, the other day while walking out of school, tired and later than I wanted, I realized that I had parked behind the school, not in front, so I trudged around the side of the building. Amid my grumbling, I happened to look up and what did I see across the street? A brand spanking new Dollar Tree store! The hallelujah chorus sang in my head as I took in this spectacular view! I love Dollar Tree! Our relationship goes back a long time- nifty toys and activities for road trips, birthday party favors, room party decorations, gift bags, prizes for students..........the list is endless for all the ways this store has supported me through the years just a dollar at a time. Yes, Colorado has beautiful views and this one made my day!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

September 28, 2014

Pizza, Pizza! 

We fired up the pizza oven tonight. It seems like it sat unused most of the summer since we were out galavanting in the Tajma-haul, so we had our friends Jim and Marie over for some pies. It's a group effort to roll out the dough, decide toppings, and slide it in the oven. A perfect pizza is made when the wood fire heats the oven to just the right temperature and the pizza chef has not had too much wine. If either of these is out of balance you can end up with doughy pizza with burnt crusts! It has been known to happen! Tonight, however, we had perfection and great company. Delizioso!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

September 27, 2014

Birthday Party in the Wild!

Happy Birthday today to my little sister Lori! Lori is five years younger than me but ten years smarter. You never want to play Trivial Pursuit against her or debate her on any topic. She remembers everything she has learned and is very well read. However, growing up I was able to play a good amount of pranks on her- I mean I had to be better at something! Currently she is flying back from Africa where she treated herself to a safari for her birthday. Now that is a present. I can't wait to see her pictures! What will she do for her 50th?!

Photo taken by Lori

Friday, September 26, 2014

September 26, 2014


No, we're not in Memphis- we just got back from seeing the musical Memphis at the Arvada Center. What an awesome performance! The music was terrific and the singers were outstanding! I had not heard much about this musical that is set in Memphis in the 1950's during segregation. The story revolves around rhythm and blues and the beginning of rock and roll as well as the effect of segregation on the black community. It is very entertaining and at the same time a reminder of why we need to learn about these dark times in American history. We never want to repeat that horrible discrimination again.

After the musical, my mother in law told a funny story about her brother Don. When he was around ten years old and she was a little older, they went to visit relatives in Tennessee from their ranch in Procter, Colorado. When her brother saw a drinking fountain marked "colored water fountain" he rain over to it and turned on the water. "Hey!" He said loudly, "this ain't colored water!" 

This is the last weekend for this musical at the Arvada Center but if you ever have a chance to see this musical do it!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

September 25, 2014

Grow Your Mind

I'm a firm believer in raising the bar for kids. I have found that when you expect great things from them, they usually do great things. I might have talked about growth mindset versus fixed mindset. All children should know that they can learn but they have to work for it. For instance when they say, "I don't get it" you correct them to add the word "yet"- "I don't get it yet". We all should develop growth mindset with ourselves. We don't need to label ourselves as "bad at math", "a bad cook", "not creative". We can all learn the things we want to learn and improve on what we want to improve on. This weekend do something you were always hesitant to try.....but stay legal- I don't want your growth mindset to end up in a closed cell!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

September 24, 2014


The older I get, the more I appreciate my friends. All of my friends are different - different personalities, likes, strengths, weaknesses, beliefs - but they all are people I want in my life. Kind of like the shoes in my closet. I need them all for different occasions but mostly because having a variety makes life interesting! Most importantly, my friends know my many flaws and quirks but still stick around! Thank you dear friends!
Friendship Quote Sticker http://www.zazzle.com/friendship_quote_sticker-217992511324020563?rf=238505586582342524

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

September 23, 2014


Today was picture day at one of my schools. I'm finding that a perk of working at two schools is that I get two chances to have a decent photo taken of me. Two chances to wear the perfect outfit and two chances to have a good hair day. I also have a stock pile of photos that I could make a wonderful 4x6 (foot!) collage of ME for my children! Spoiler alert Alex and Paige!

This school has a fun tradition on picture day. They have all the students and staff come outside and the photographer takes an all school picture from the roof. You have not lived until you get 300 some students to behave and stand still all together to say "cheese". Amazingly the photo always comes out and you usually can see everyone- even that short teacher librarian in the back!

Monday, September 22, 2014

September 22, 2014

Say Ahhh...

Whenever I feel down about my job I think about our poor friends in the dental business. Who likes going to the dentist? How many people wake up in the morning, jump out of bed and declare, "I get to go to the dentist today!" Nobody. I tried to pretend today for my six month cleaning- acting like I was so glad to see the dominatrix who was going to rid me of all my plaque build up. She is a very nice person and impressed me with remembering what we talked about the last time. Well, if you can call it talking. Maybe that's one reason why my dental appointments are so hard- it inhibits my loquaciousness! Anyway, I'm thankful for my pearly whites and the great team of professionals who keep them that way - in spite of my lack of enthusiasm to visit them!


Sunday, September 21, 2014

September 21, 2014

Change Happens

Change happens. Many can handle it, some have trouble. I suppose if change didn't happen, life would be boring. The CVMA Auxiliary that I belong to decided today to start phasing out. This organization has been around for 57 years and used to have several members. In the last few years our membership has dwindled and the same few people that have been keeping the organization afloat. When the Auxiliary began, it was all women who formed a group to support their husbands promote veterinary medicine. Things started changing when more and more women entered the work force and now there is a large percentage of veterinarians that are women. All of these changes were good for our society but made it challenging for this organization. We have tried to change with the times but we realized today that it is time to refocus our energies. Although this is sad, we will be celebrating all the things the group has accomplished and all the organizations we have supported throughout the years. 

Saturday, September 20, 2014

September 20, 2014

Hotel for Dogs

Today, Maggie the dog and I joined Don at the Embassy Suites in Loveland where he has been attending the Colorado Veterinary Medical Association conference. I brought Maggie because this hotel welcomes dogs....sort of. We left Maggie in the room while we attended a reception and dinner downstairs. Apparently, cable TV and a treat stuffed Kong was not acceptable, so Maggie voiced her opinion loudly and consistently. The hotel staff tracked Don down after our neighbor complained. Go figure...people get annoyed with a yapping Jack Russell mix..they must not be attending the convention! Needless to say, Maggie spent some quality time in the truck.
All barked  out!

Friday, September 19, 2014

September 19, 2014


The iPhone 6 went on sale today and people have been standing in line for days in anticipation. I don't get it. How can all these people camp out? They must have jobs if they have the money to buy one. I would have liked to interview these shoppers to find out more about them and the whole experience. I have never camped in line for anything. This is probably due to the fear of failure. What if after 5 days of sleeping on the streets they run out of the product right before it's my turn? What if I didn't bring enough money? How could I possibly enter a store after not showering for 5 days? And my hair? Nope, not gonna happen!

I think I will just stick with my procrastination mode of operation and wait for when I can walk into the store and upgrade my phone...smelling good and with great hair....

Thursday, September 18, 2014

September 18, 2014

iPad Master

Today I had eight adults in my library all day. These weren't just any adults. They were the movers and shakers of our district's technology department. The tech gurus. They were there to see if the "fix" that they have been creating for weeks to make our new iPad management system function, would work. So they got to help me assist our students with setting up their iPads. Kindergarten through third grade classes came in one after the other and we got most everyone up and running. One person helping us was a programmer for the company who created the management system. He flew in from Atlanta to help our district solve the problems that have prevented us from getting these iPads to the kids. One student was having trouble with the set up and asked me to help. I was helping another student at the time so the programmer told the student that he could help him. The student replied, "Do you know as much as Mrs. Ostwald? Are you an iPad master too?" I love kids! 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

September 17, 2014

Happy Constitution Day!

Today is Constitution Day! Yes, this day is often overlooked and is always overshadowed by the 4th of July. I think that it would make a lot more sense to make this day a bigger deal. While reading a book to 4th graders about the Constitution, it reminded me of what a great country we live in and the freedoms that we have. The kids really don't get this yet. They take what they have for granted as we all do as children because fortunately or unfortunately, those lessons will come much later in their lives. 

 For example, this week I have had the frightening realization that some of the freedoms we have in our area are being threatened by a group that need to be reminded that our country was founded by people who wanted the freedom to be free thinkers and believe in what they choose to believe in.  I hope to stay positive and believe that in the end, "We the people" will prevail and keep our country's foundation intact.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

September 16, 2014

Poetry Power

Tonight I attended an event sponsored by the Jefferson County International Reading  Association. The guest speaker was Jovan Mays. Jovan is a poet with an education background. He is currently the Poet Laureate for the city of Aurora which charges him with being an advocate for poetry, literacy and literature, give public readings and lead creative writing in schools.

When Jovan recited his poems, it was so heartfelt and so powerful, I couldn't help but get caught up in the emotion. He also shared his experiences as a challenging elementary student and made all of us educators in the room reflect on how we handle our non-traditional students. It was a very motivational evening that I hope will stay with me for awhile. 

Poet Laureate Jovan Mays http://www.jovanmays.com/

Monday, September 15, 2014

September 15, 2014


Today I was working with first graders in the computer lab. The students were drawing a picture on laptops showing the similarities and differences between adult tigers and baby tigers. After awhile, one little boy came up to me and said, "Mrs. Ostwald, I need a rat." I asked him to repeat what he wanted because I was unsure about why he needed a rat in his tiger picture. He said again, "I need a rat." His teacher and I looked at each other and at the same time realized that he wanted a computer mouse! Tomorrow's lesson: compare and contrast rodents and technology!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

September 14, 2014

No Way!

I try not to say that " I'm never going to..." because I usually end up eating my words. But I can guaruntee that I will never jump out of a perfectly good airplane and experience the thrill of skydiving. First of all, to me it would not be a thrill. It would be a terrifying, horrible experience that would result in me peeing my pants...or worse! No, I will leave that to those born with the adventurous, death defying gene like the members of the Thunderstorm Skydiving Team who jump into Sports Authority Field before every Bronco game. These guys (and girls) soar over our heads with no problem and usually have a smooth landing. Watching what they see via their Go Pros is sufficient enough for me to feel that I had the experience.....without the hysteria!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

September 13, 2014

Ram Tailgate #2

The Tajma-haul was locked and loaded again. Today's mission: CSU Football Opening home game. Our parking experience today was vastly different from our tailgating debut at Sports Authority Field. Instead of an arm, leg, and first born, today we got to park for free with our season ticket pass. Of course we were on dirt- not pavement- and we had a view of Horsetooth Rock and not the ambience of Federal Boulevard. But we adjusted. We swung by and picked up Paige on the way and were joined by our friends Karen and Gregg, Bob and Judy, and Don's parents. It was a perfect day with perfect weather. Oh and...we spanked the University of California, Davis! Yay Rammies!

PS. We missed you Alex!

This butterfly thought he found true love with our cracker box!

Perfect day for tailgating!
Go Rams! 

Friday, September 12, 2014

September 12, 2014

Tasty Tikka

Tonight we went to one of my favorite restaurants, Yak & Yeti. I love Indian food. When we lived in Anaheim, Don worked with a vet from India who introduced us to Indian cuisine. When we would go  to his house for dinner, they were considerate enough to turn down the spice level to accomadate our untrained taste buds! His wife even gave me a cookbook along with some spices so I could learn how to prepare some dishes. Unfortunately, the cookbook has not been used enough - but that is why we have Indian restaurants! 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

September 11, 2014


I'm not ready for snow. Like many people I love warm weather and can't stand to be cold. However, when we lived in Southern California for seven years, I did miss the seasons. See? You just can't make me happy! Well, when we get up tomorrow and see the first snow, here are some positive things to remember: 
*It is moisture and moisture is good
*We get to start pulling out the pants, sweaters and boots - we are getting bored with our summer apparel anyway 
*Summer apparel prices will probably be reduced even more so we can revamp our boring summer wardrobe
*No need to worry about chipped toenail polish- unless you're going to Yoga
*No guilt involved when staying inside to watch a movie or snuggle up with a good book- or both!
*Two words- Hot Chocolate because any chocolate is good!
Happy Snow Day!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

September 10, 2014

Education in the Outdoors

Today I got to work outside in our beautiful mountains! Our school district owns two camps in the mountains so that sixth grade students can spend a week learning at Outdoor Lab School. Students, accompanied by their teachers and high school leaders, learn about geology, astronomy, navigation, archery, and many other topics while they're there. Both of my schools went up together so I drove up today with one of the principals to see how they were doing. It was great because I know all the kids and they were happy to see a friendly face. Many of them needed a "mom fix" and I supplied many hugs upon request! It is such a wonderful program because even though Arvada is only 45 minutes away from the mountains, it is surprising how many kids never get to experience the out-of-doors and have never been away from home. Both of my kids loved it and Alex was a high school leader two times.

Favorite conversation of the day:
Kid 1- "Hi Mrs. Ostwald!
Kid 2- "How do you know Mrs. Ostwald?"
Kid 1- "She's our librarian"
Kid 2- "No she's our librarian!"
A-ha moment went they realize I'm both of their librarians!

Beautiful day!Learning outsideMy two "moms" - principals from both schools

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

September 9, 2014

Teacher Share Time

Tonight was my final class of the online course that I took this summer. It was a face-to-face class and a great time to share ideas. There were teachers in attendance  from different public school districts and a few from private schools. I learn so much from the chance like this to share ideas and lessons with other teachers - not only does it make me more creative it is very motivating to be around other educators that are just as passionate about 21st Century Learning as I am! 

Oh if only this was true!

Monday, September 8, 2014

September 8, 2014

Happy Birthday Pam!

I have been thinking of my sister Pam all day because this was her birthday. Pam passed away a few years ago from a valiant battle with cancer and MS. She was the oldest of the seven kids in our family and was off starting her own family during my childhood years. Even so, I learned from her example of how to be kind and giving. Pam had a heart of gold and would help anyone with anything. Before she left us, all five sisters and our mother went on a trip to New York City together. It was a special time that made several memories to cherish. One important thing that I learned from that trip was that even though we had all developed our own personalities- that may have clashed every once in awhile-in the end we are family and that love will be present forever. Happy Birthday Pam!

Mom and Pam


Sunday, September 7, 2014

September 7, 2014

Bronco Opener

Broncos Win! We went to the season opener game tonight against the Colts. It was a good game but the Colts came a little too close at the end. I like watching the game but I also like watching what is going on in the background. For instance, since this was a prominent Sunday night game, instead of just one camera on wheels, it was a double decker! I wonder how people get those jobs. How do you get certified to drive the camera people up and down the field? And then there is my dream job....the orange glove commercial person. I want that job. They get to stand on the side of the field, watch the game up close, and then walk out onto the field with those big ol' orange gloves to signify that a commercial is being played. No work to take home, not much stress unless a wayward linebacker isn't paying attention, and the job probably pays more than I earn! I just may investigate this.....

Double the fun!

Check out the guy with the orange gloves- that may be me some day!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

September 6, 2014

My Boots Were Made For Walkin'

Don and I went on a big hike today. The trailhead was south of Breckenridge up to Mohawk Lake and the Continental Falls. It was a beautiful day and the scenery was just gorgeous. When selecting the trail, Don was a little hesitant about the 6.8 miles but I assured him that Maggie and I have been walking all summer so we were up for it. Ok....I forgot about the uphill factor and of course the 9,000 ft. altitude! There were parts of this hike that I could have used some oxygen and maybe a mule! But we made it to the lake and the spectacular Falls and of course it was worth it! Hiking in the mountains makes me appreciate the beauty of our state and I wish we could do it more often. Now, if only I could make it up the stairs I could go to bed......

Friday, September 5, 2014

September 5, 2014


I'm a pouter. When things don't go my way or something makes me upset, there is no poker face. Everything from my hair to my toes will show that I'm not happy. It takes me awhile to get over it but eventually I do. My husband is the opposite. He doesn't let anything get under his skin and when negative things happen, he just rolls with the punches. His ability to always be polite to those in customer service, even when they are totally being idiots, is admirable. One time we missed our flight because we didn't give oursleves enough time to get to the airport. Because he was so polite and calm at the ticket counter, the agent got us on the next plane by telling the administration that we had a flat tire on the way to the airport! I'm really trying to emulate this calm character trait but it is a work in progress. Besides, I think pouting causes wrinkles!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

September 4, 2014

Coiffure Compadre

I look forward to getting my hair done because I don't just see a hair stylist, I get to see my friend Toni. About 22 years ago I walked into Haircutter One to get my hair cut. We had just moved back from California and I just picked a place at random. Fate brought Toni and I together and I have trusted her with my locks ever since. 22 years adds up to several hours of conversation about every topic under the sun. We have shared many emotions, celebrations, heartbreaks, and lots of laughter. I have followed her to four locations and now that I am older we get to spend even more time together - fighting that grey hair demon! Thank you Toni for working your magic on me - inside and out!

Toni and her constipated looking friend with great hair!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

September 3, 2014

Teacher Icon

Today I said goodbye to a wonderful first grade teacher who dedicated 30 years to educating children. She has decided to retire to spend more time with an ailing family member. This was a very tough decision for her because she loves her profession and will really miss it. I have not spent 30 years doing any one thing and admire her passion and dedication. I have had my position for seven years and am already thinking of retiring!! I can only strive to make the impact that this master teacher has had on so many lives. She was my son's first grade teacher- as well as one of his all time favorite teachers! And do you know that when he graduated from high school, she sent him a book and attended his party!? As if this wasn't enough  she is a wonderful friend and is really fun to be around in adult settings too! I will miss her at school- she has left some big shoes to fill. 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

September 2, 2014


Quiet people make me nervous which causes me to babble. Somehow I feel that I have to fill up the open space. I am a great source of entertainment for medical professionals as well because I'm quite the talker when I'm uneasy. Slowly I'm starting to appreciate the fact that quiet can be good and that listening is a skill to learn. I have actually come to enjoy listening to the crickets at night and will miss them when summer comes to a close. I came across this quote today which says it all....

Monday, September 1, 2014

September 1, 2014

Happy Labor Day!

I hope you had a great Labor Day weekend and you didn't have to work. I refused to work although there was much I could have done. Of course I had to make up for it tonight and do a little work so I won't be terribly behind tomorrow. I know that all day tomorrow I will be thinking it is Monday and not Tuesday! Already I was wondering why Jimmy Fallon was broadcasting on Sunday night! It's going to be al long/short week!