Friday, May 17, 2024

Amsterdam/Sri Lanka Adventure Day 12

 Day 12 Sri Lanka

Galle and Goodbye

Sadly, we had to say goodbye to our wonderful ocean resort today. It turns out that many people have to return to work(?) and we have to return home -so the party is over. 

The town of Galle where the remains of Galle Fort is just north of us so we stopped there on the way back to Colombo. Galle Fort was originally built by the Portuguese in the  16th century but then taken over by the Dutch in the 17th century who fortified it.  I must have subconsciously remembered that fact and that’s why I came up with the idea of visiting The Netherlands first? I do remember how hot it was and it was hot this time too! The walls of the fort obviously protected the town but now it blocks the ocean breeze! We found if you walked on top of the fort wall it was a smidge cooler. 

Fortunately, Dave and Thilini took us to a little ice cream shop in the town. We met the owner and she told us that she is the fourth generation in her family to live in this house and the house itself is 225 years old. She was very friendly and her ice cream was terrific too but you have to eat it fast or it’s ice cream soup!

It was late afternoon before we made it back to Aminda and Salani’s home and they and some others soon arrived also. This is the house Aminda grew up in and it shares a small garden courtyard with his grandmother’s house which is directly behind it. Unfortunately, his grandmother passed away last year. Interestly enough she spent most of her years in Minnesota of all places! As hot as it was today I kind of understand this.

Aminda and Salani were very hospitable and offered their guest bedroom and bathroom for us so that we could shower and change before we had to catch our flight that night to travel home. 

Goodbyes are so hard, especially when we live thousands of miles away from each other. Salani, Thilini and Dave rode with us in the van to the airport which I thought was above and beyond since our flight was at 12:50am and we didn’t leave the house until around 8pm. 

We had such a wonderful visit with them and they took very good care of us even through the chaos of a wedding. We are hoping that they can come and visit us next year. 

Don, Dave, Thilini and Kamillia in Galle

62 is our number this year!

Happy Chinese…happy dog!

Kamillia striking a pose

Yummy ice cream in a coconut bowl and a coconut spoon

Ice Cream store owner

She saw Don drifting off to sleep so she brought him a pillow!

Outside the ice cream store which is over 200 years old

Part of the fort wall

Thilini and Dave

This guy will jump off the wall into the ocean if you paid him! I gave him an application to Casa Bonita.

This cuddly guy stopped when he heard Don whistling to him

There are many fruit stands along the road
This is a liquor store that we stopped at. It looked like a high security bank!

This is a normal site everywhere - we never could figure out if they stopped building, in the process of building or in the process of tearing it down?

Salani and Aminda’s home

Entrance to garden courtyard

Comfy living room

Our traveling van people!

One last pic with Salani

We left at 1am and got home at 3:30pm the same day however we traveled for over 27 hours!

The longest leg of the flight..about 14 hours..

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Amsterdam/Sri Lanka Adventure Day 11

 Day 11 Sri Lanka

 A Day at the Beach

Today was pool and beach day. At breakfast I was presented with a special Mother’s Day cupcake by a server. I had forgotten that it was Mothers Day so it was a nice surprise. Of course it made me miss my kids too and it was wonderful to get a call from Paige that evening and a text the next morning from Alex which was still Mothers Day in the states!

The Indian Ocean here is very rough but it has good waves for surfing and a sandy beach. The water is warm but we didn’t spend much time in the water because it wasn’t conducive to just floating around. The pool, however, was and it had poolside service so that is where we spent the day. Dave, Thilini, Lyndsey and Aliyas joined us too. They are a very nice couple and we have enjoyed getting to know them these past few days. Salani and Aminda, as well as most of the wedding guests who traveled here, are staying at this resort so we saw them here and there. 

In late afternoon we saw rain clouds building up. Thilini has been a wonderful tour guide this entire trip and today she set us up with massages across the street at a store called Ceylon Spa. I had gone to the store in the mall in Colombo. It is kind of like the Bath and Body Works store in the U.S. but a little fancier and this one had a true spa. 

Thilini, Lyndsey and I went together and Don and Aliyas followed about an hour later. I’d have to say that this was one of the best massages that I’ve ever had. My masseuse was from the Philippines and was very proficient at her job! It made for a very relaxing dinner and cigar/scotch session! 

Dave got up early to run 11K. He’s training for his 10th marathon that will take place during the Olympics  in Paris for non-olympians.

Getting some sun on those white legs!

There are many stray dogs in Sri Lanka. This one has picked a great place to hang.

The spa where we had great massages. I love the colors of the decor!

Thilini enjoying the tea and pineapple you’re served after the massage

We were all excited about all of the Mothers Day desserts!

Swinging with the waves

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Amsterdam/Sri Lanka Day 10

Moving South

Today we said goodbye to the Shangri-la hotel and loaded up in a van that was taking us to Weligama Bay which is south of Colombo. On the way, we dropped off two of our suitcases at Aminda’s (now Aminda and Salani’s) house since we will be returning there before we leave to return home. Riding in the van with us was Dave and Thilini, Kamillia (from Dubai-originally from Algeria) and Lyndsey and Aliyas from Melbourne, Australia (originally from Malaysia). It was about a 3 hour trip but most of it was on a freeway. It was very nice to get out of the busy city and see rural areas. We passed rice paddy fields, cows, oxen and at least one tea plantation. Weligama is a smaller town with many hotels on the Indian Oceanside. Our hotel was a Marriott and was very beautiful and I felt sad that we were only staying 2 nights. Many of the wedding guests were making their way down today as well as the bride and groom. We met up with a few at the restaurant in the evening and since it is a buffet, everyone can move around to visit with each other. Like the Shangri-la, they do buffets really well. There was always fruit, Indian food, Sri Lankan food, Chinese food and western food. And there are always desserts. We have a balcony this time so…surprise!..Dave and Don tackled more of the world’s problems there along with some scotch and cigars!
Loading up the van. Yes it’s Maleen’s Chic Holiday van. He sure is taking care of us!
Is that a Kmart?!


Rice paddies 
Very lush and green outside of the city

We were greeted with a welcome dance when we arrived at the hotel

Wonderful accommodations 

…and a killer view!
Surfers loving the waves
A view of part of the town of Weligama
Sunset views from the top of the hotel
Thilini showing off her bracelet that we brought her from New Mexico