Monday, June 21, 2021

We’re Off!

June 4, 2021

Today we started our adventure in the new 5th wheel that we purchased last November after our beloved Tajma-Haul succumbed to the East Troublesome fire. Our first adventure in the Tajma-Haul was with our friends, Gary and Karen, exploring all 5 National Parks in Utah. So it was fitting that we go on our first adventure in the Tajma-Haul #2 with Gary and Karen. 

Our journey this time includes a visit to Branson, Missouri and then on to Arkansas where Don and Gary will test the fishing waters and Karen and I will explore. 

Today was spent driving to Salina, Kansas. Our friends planned on leaving at 6am and so Don planned that as well. I laughed. We actually ventured forth  at 7:29am which is pretty much a record for us. The heart wrenching part of the day was leaving the dogs behind. We decided against taking the dogs since we weren’t planning dog friendly activities so they would have been left in the trailer most of the time. The mournful face of little Bear staring at me through the fence as we pulled away just about did me in! Fortunately, a panicked  text to my friend Kim resulted in her and daughter Rachel driving to our house to comfort Maggie and Bear for a little while before “manny” Alex got off work.

We made it to Salina without any hiccups and enjoyed a nice happy hour and dinner at the campsite. The mosquitos had a nice feast as well but nothing that a little deet with the wine couldn’t handle!


1 comment:

  1. Nice ... thanks for sharing[ looking forward to the rest of the adventure! :)
