Friday, June 16
Well we are already on Friday - Thursday was lost to traveling. Needless to say, we spent our first day In Sri Lanka relaxing and catching up on our sleep. Our hotel is in Nagumbo, right on the beach of the Indian Ocean. It is a nice beach but swimming was not allowed due to the riptides and there were some strong waves. The pool was perfect and that is where we stayed most of the day.
Breakfast at the beach!
Checking out the Indian Ocean
Dave and family joined us for lunch and we walked down the street to a small restaurant that claims to make the “best burger in town.” Well of course we had to try them and they were actually pretty good. There are stray dogs everywhere here and we were entertained by puppies that wandered in while we were eating. Apparently they were owned by the restaurant employees and when they saw we liked them, they brought in all of them for us to look at!
Best burger in town
The roads are very narrow here and you have to remember to look to your right when crossing the street since they drive on the opposite side of the road than we are used to. We navigated our way down the street again to dinner at a very trendy restaurant. One of their special features were the fish spa where you could soak your feet or hands in fish tanks and the fish will. nibble away your dead skin. Paige and I passed on the event but Don and Alex enjoyed it. Dave was disappointed that there were so few fish. Later we learned that several of the fish had died the day before. A bad way to go….
We have a busy day ahead of us tomorrow and we need to report to then us at 6am!
At least the food was good! :) I wanted to take all of you to Lords Restaurant in Negombo to experience the fish spa ... normally, there are hundreds of fish and dozens will swarm to your feet and gently "clean" them. If you can overcome the tickles, it is a very relaxing experience. (There is also good entertainment value from those who can't quite overcome the tickles and have to pull their feet out!) ;)