Wednesday, March 18, 2015

March 18, 2015

Augmented Reality

As soon as I saw Augmented Reality, I knew I wanted to try it with students. AR is when an object is scanned with your phone or iPad that has the AR app, the inanimate object comes to  "life" and a video clip will play. It's like Google Glass on a budget and the effect is similar to the newspapers in the Harry Potter movies. Anyway, I tried it with fifth graders. They had created movies about the body systems they have been studying (no -the reproductive system was not a choice). So I had them create a poster of their system, trigger it with the Aurasma app so when scanned, their movie would play. They thought this was as awesome as I did! Of course, as always, there was reciprocal teaching going on. I pushed the app out to them yesterday so by the time I walked in the classroom today, they had it all figured out and was able to show me some things! I love this reality!

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