Tuesday, November 4, 2014

November 4, 2014


This afternoon I prepared for high school volunteers to help me after school. We had 120 iPads that needed Otterbox cases and I knew it would take me a year to get them on by myself! Well, 4pm came and went, the pizza was delivered and....no volunteers. After some investigation, we found out that there was a misunderstanding about the time so ten Arvada West football players showed up at 6pm! One look at the iPads and cases piled up prompted me to not hesitate to throw the doors open wide and welcome them with open arms! We worked them hard - with a little cold pizza and cookie break- and after 2 hours we had all the Otterboxes on, chargers labeled, bagged and labeled! It was a late night at work but well worth it....many hands make light work! Special thanks to the adults who helped including my principal and the Arvada West Athletic Director, his wife and daughter. 

View IMG_1147.JPG in slide show View IMG_1150.JPG in slide show

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