Day 7 It was the Shining Day without Misery
This morning we did a little exploring and stopped by to see where famous author Stephen King lives in Bangor, Maine. It isn’t a secret -we just googled the address and it is often posted on Facebook. We tried to be discreet and not ring the bell or walk on his lawn. I stayed away from the storm drains just in case. Actually, the house next door is for sale and is just gorgeous! If you live in Colorado and see the price, you may be tempted to pack up and move! The whole neighborhood is historic and we drove around appreciating the beautiful architecture of the houses.
Bangor is a nice and quiet city with the Penobscot river flowing through it. We enjoyed the river walk for it was a very pleasant and sunny day. After stopping in an antique store, we finally pushed on to make the final four hour leg of trip back to Boston. Our poor brother had to navigate his way through the Boston traffic which was hectic and slightly confusing- especially with 5 people guiding him!
Tomorrow we leave bright and early to head our separate ways - Barb and Antonio back to Italy, Lori to California, and Chris, Debby and I back to Colorado. It was a fun trip with few snags and Mom didn’t have to break up any fights! Hopefully we will be back together soon!