Tuesday, November 24, 2015

November 24, 2015

Baby Love

Paige and I went on a short trip to visit my niece and her new baby boy. He is 3 months old tomorrow and such a cutie! We had a great time experiencing the fun things babies do...spit bubbles, cooing, and precious smiles. Of course whenever there was crying or stinky bodily functions involved we  promptly handed him over to his parents! Thanks Erin and Jon for the great hospitality and sharing your wonderful little baby with us! 

Love, his favorite Great Auntie and awesome cousin  

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

November 3, 2015

Relief and Optimism

Tomorrow morning I will have a spring in my step because tonight I have been relieved of the heavy weight that has been on my shoulders for two years. Tonight the majority of voters in Jeffco saw the dysfunction happening in our school district and recalled our current school board majority. 

We will be starting again with a clean slate of professionals who I believe will work together to do what is best for our 85,000 students. I really didn't know what I was going to do if the election hadn't turned out this way. I have to admit I did attend a retirement meeting tonight to see what my options were. Thankfully, I feel optimistic again about what lies ahead and will push that retirement idea out of the picture for awhile. I love my job and tomorrow I can look into the faces of our students and smile because their future is bright again! Enormous thanks to all of you voters who listened and understood and gave the wonderful support we needed! 

Please note that you can follow me again on Facebook because my political posts have now ceased. I will be posting puppy pictures during the presidential election.