Friday, January 31, 2014

January 31, 2014

I can't help but be positive today! We are on our way to New York City! We had a bit of a delay-broken plane, had to get off, got on a new one. One problem was that many of the passengers spent the delay in the bar so by the time we got on the plane, it was like a Bronco Tailgating party -including a "Go Broncos" cheer back and forth among the passengers! Seeing the Broncos in a Super Bowl is on my husband's Bucket List and I am along to hold the bucket! I'll keep you posted on our activities!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

January 30, 2014

There are many times that this education business is frustrating but there are more times that it is exciting! Tonight one of my schools had an information meeting for parents to learn more about our 1:1 iPad Initiative. Our kindergarten and first grade classrooms are 1:1, meaning that every student has an iPad to use for the year. We hope to continue to roll up 1:1 a grade level each year. Four Kindergartners showed the crowd tonight all the ways they use their iPads- for writing, reading, math, blogging, and all kinds of creating. It was so inspiring to see these five year olds so engaged and excited about learning! Being a part of this progressive initiative makes me have great hope for the continuous progression of  education.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

January 29, 2014

Let's talk about rotisserie chicken. I think this is the best invention ever! It's right up there with the Keurig coffee maker! When my kids were little, I cooked a lot..heck I even canned peaches, pears, and pickles. But now that my kids flew the nest, momma just doesn't have the same zest to grab those worms! Luckily, my husband will eat almost anything and doesn't even mind that new man...the Schwans man...who stops by every once in awhile. I guess I just have other things that I would rather do than cook. When all else fails, I head to the rotisserie chickens. As I apologized tonight for bringing it home yet again, my husband made the mistake of saying, "I never get tired of rotisserie chicken!"  I hope he never regrets saying that!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

January 28, 2014

I've spent the last two days in training. Although we accomplished great work, I realized by the end of Day 2 how much I miss being at my schools. A person can only think so long...I need some action! Tomorrow I will find out how much they missed me...I bet I will need a fire extinguisher!

Monday, January 27, 2014

January 27, 2014

I felt a little negative today. During my first job out of college, I learned the hard way that negativity is like a cancer. If you start dwelling on it, it spreads and pretty soon that is all you see. I made a vow to myself to never get caught up in that again. Some days are easier than others. I just have to remember to take a moment and look around...there are many positive things to see.

This photo was taken by my niece Anna

Sunday, January 26, 2014

January 26, 2014

I love shopping! I come from a long line of shoppers. In fact, if I'm out with my sisters and my mom, it is a day-long event. It is not unusual for us to be in one store for over 2 hours. I equate how we shop to a hunter hunting for the big game. It is no fun to just go into a store and buy something full price. Oh no, you must stealthily move through the clearance racks until you come upon the perfect bargain. You bag it, whether you need it or not, because it is a deal! As the hunter takes their picture with their prize kill, we, the shoppers, must open our bags on the couch when we get home and admire all the great finds. I have tried to pass this heritage onto my children. Paige can maneuver through the sale racks with the best of them. Alex...not so much. He's like his father.. They only go out once or twice a year. Go in the store and buy what they have researched ahead of time- whether it is on sale or not. What is the fun in that?

Saturday, January 25, 2014

January 25, 2014

Happy Birthday today to JoAnn Ostwald! Jo is by far the best mother-in-law in the world! I know that sounds like brown is...but I really mean it. I have known her for 38 years - first as her student in high school English and Yearbook, then as her son' girlfriend, and then the last 27 years as her daughter -in- law. Many of you know her and you would agree that she can talk to anyone and I have never heard her talk bad about anyone..ever. Since I have a son, I sometimes wonder if I can let another woman into my son's life and support her like I have been accepted and supported through all these years. I hope so. Much hugs and love to you today and always Jo!

Friday, January 24, 2014

January 24, 2014

Marching Band. We were surprised when our cello playing son announced that he was going to play the drums in the marching band. I knew nothing about marching band and was disappointed at my first performance that they didn't spell anything! After  8 years and two kids through the program, I learned a lot. Mostly, I learned that marching band was a terrific group for my kids to hang with and they made long lasting friendships. Don and I would also form close friendships with the other band parents. It was a great experience and at times I thought that the parents were having more fun than the kids! Tonight, some of us former band parents had a small reunion. Luckily, the restaurant put us in the back room because it turned out to be a boisterous yet enjoyable event! It was wonderful to catch up on things and find out how our now 20 something's are doing.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

January 23, 2014

Today I heard a speaker read the poem, The Dash by Linda Ellis. Basically, the dash is the punctuation between your birthday and the date you died, on your tombstone. The premise of the poem is that the dash is the most important part because it represents how you lived your life between when you were born and your final departure. It makes you think about what your dash is going to say about you and, more importantly, it's not too late to straighten it out. I thought it was a clever way to remind people to look up every once in awhile and see if you are still enjoying the scenery! 

Click here to read the poem

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

January 22, 2014

"Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold" we used to sing that song in Girl Scouts all the time but it is the most meaningful to me now. 

A year and a half ago, Don and I reconnected with two couples that we have known since our boys were in Kindergarten. We were so used to seeing each other often, since our kids were involved in a lot of the same activities, that we just took our friendships for granted. All of  a sudden, our boys graduated from high school and we slowly lost track of each other.  Since we have reconnected, we make it a point to meet for dinner once a month to catch up. There is nothing like these "golden" friends because we have known each other through all the trials and tribulations of parenthood and share many wonderful memories. I truly look forward to seeing them every month!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

January 21, 2014

I just love watching The Biggest Loser! It is so inspiring to see how hard the contestants work and the end results. In a perfect world, I would be working out while I watched but I'm usually on the couch cheering them on in my slippers! The show does motivate me to try to be healthy and move a little more so I won't have to end up on the Biggest Loser Ranch. Not that I wouldn't want to be helped by Dovet, but weigh in in front of America in my sports bra? No way!  

Monday, January 20, 2014

January 20, 2014

In honor of Martin Luther King Day, I would like to share a story. When Paige was in middle school, we were at a weekend event in a park, and Paige pointed out a student in her class. There were so many people, that I needed more details. She said, "look over there - that boy in the yellow shirt, by the tree and he's kind of tall." So finally I saw who she was talking about and noticed that he was the only black teenager in the group. At that moment I was so proud of Paige that pointing out the color of his skin did not even occur to her. Being "color blind" is what Martin Luther King was hoping for and I think that we are getting closer. 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

January 19, 2014

Yay Broncos! It was a great day- sunny, warm, and the Broncos dominated the Patriots! Don and I were fortunate to go the game and witness this great event in person. Yes I am ecstatic that the Broncos get to go to the Super Bowl, but my heart is warm for another reason too. I will never forget the sight of the stadium that was a vast sea of orange and made up of over 70,000 people (all different in color, beliefs, age, and size)joining together to cheer on their team! It was really something to see! Are the Ostwalds New York bound? We'll see.......!!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

January 18, 2014

I'm a little late tonight because we had Don's General Practice Department over tonight. Veterinary people are great to be around. They all are very nice and don't get upset when, hypothetically, your dog trys to hump their baby or you other dog might take a bite or two out of the dip! A fun time was had...actually it is still going on...gotta go!

Friday, January 17, 2014

January 17, 2014

Every week I produce a news show at each elementary school- one on Mondays and the other on Fridays. 5th and 6th graders make up my news teams. Usually Fridays are the hardest because it is early and, well, it's Friday. One of my news team students has convinced her grandma to bring me Starbucks every time her team broadcasts. After the second time this happened,I told the student that it was a wonderful gesture but she didn't really have to do it. Her reply was, "my grandma doesn't mind and besides Mrs. Ostwald, you're more fun when you've had coffee!"   Wow! Kids tell it like it is!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

January 16, 2014

I love Twitter! I don't tweet but more and more I'm appreciating reading what others tweet. For example, I just couldn't muster the energy to go to the school board meeting tonight but I can follow along with Twitter. Thanks to Marlene, who tweets for the district, and my friend Shauna, who will give the real picture, I feel like I'm there. Also, sweats, slippers and a glass of wine is an added bonus!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

January 15, 2014

After a long day at work, there is nothing better than spending the evening with great friends who are knotty and twisted...that would be my Knitting Club! Most have us have been knitting and pearling together for about a year now. It is a great time to relax, catch up, and share our creations. This is something I really look forward to every month.

Maggie ( the dog), Marie, Suzanne, Erin, Leah, Kim, and me

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

January 14, 2014

So I forgot to turn on my filter before entering a staff committee meeting today and probably (no absolutely) said something I shouldn't have. After the meeting, a co-worker came up to me and said, " I so enjoy being in a meeting with you because you make me smile." 

Moral of the story: Sometimes you can be thanked for being a "smart a**"!

Monday, January 13, 2014

January 13, 2014

Paige and I were on a quest this afternoon to find some more Bronco apparel. It makes total sense to do this when we have one maybe 2(?) games left this season! So off to Kohl's we went since I'm a major stakeholder there ( or should be!).  Anyway, the men's department was pretty picked over and there was practically nothing left in the women's. But, after being temporarily distracted in the clearance racks, I saw them! There were several Bronco jerseys to choose from and they were on the Boy's department! This is where being vertically challenged comes in handy- a youth XL is just the ticket! Speaking of tickets, between a gift certificate (thanks Alex!) and Kohl's cash, the store practically had to pay us to take them! I felt like Eric Decker in the end zone! 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

January 12, 2014

Hmmm...what is positive today...oh yeah...Way to go Broncos! I was really worried that today's post would be a struggle but they pulled it off and beat San Diego! We had two tickets for the game today so I let Paige go since she hasn't been to any games this season. Also, she went to the play off game in my place last year when it was freezing cold and they lost in over time -I guess I kind of owed her one! 

Saturday, January 11, 2014

January 11, 2014

After 15 years camping with our Coleman Pop Up trailer, Don and I are thinking of upgrading to a travel trailer. We went to an RV show at the convention center today and..oh my! There are some very luxurious campers out there! Trailers with islands, fireplaces, TV's with Bluetooth, bathtubs, and, yes, indoor toilets! It's funny how I have been camping all these years in a tent on wheels and all of a sudden I'm turning up my nose at a couch that is not a Lane recliner! At one point we were inside an RV that cost more than our first house! It was fun but I think we have more RV shows in our future before we decide....

Friday, January 10, 2014

January 10, 2014

I recently listened to an audio book called Coming Clean by Kimberly Rae Miller. This was a memoir about being raised by parents who were hoarders. I highly recommend this book because it is well written and insightful. Needless to say, after finishing the book, I cleaned out my craft room and have started on my storage room which made me hyper ventilate every time I navigated through it! Today ARC received the mother load and I really feel like I accomplished something over the break!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

January 9, 2014

In preparation of our President research unit, I gave a pre- assesment today to first graders where they needed to write as many sentences as they could about what they know about Abraham Lincoln and George Washington.Of course I didn't expect them to know anything but just had to laugh when I read this sentence: " I dont no nufin." !!  I sure hope this sentence doesn't appear on the post-assessment!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

January 8, 2014

It was the first day of school for the students. It was so nice to see those smiling faces, especially the groups of kids who came marching proudly into the library to show me their filled reading logs for reading at least 12 days during the break! A terrific way to start the day! 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

January 7, 2014

Yesterday I made a last minute decision to attend a JCIRA (Jefferson County International Reading Association) event tonight with my friend Lesa. I almost cancelled because I was having a bad hair day (yes I'm that shallow) but decided to power through it. I'm so glad that I did!  The speaker, author Ellin Oliver Keene was very inspiring and upbeat. It was just what I needed to be revved up to start working with students tomorrow. The best part of the evening was that I ran into former colleagues that I haven't seen for awhile. Heck, even the people I didn't know were friendly- if you ever need to feel warm and fuzzy, hang out with a bunch of teachers! By the way, one friend commented on how much she liked my hair...go figure!

Monday, January 6, 2014

January 6, 2014

Well, it was back to work today! It seems that someone forgot to tell the keeper of the furnace that the teachers were back...that kept us moving! It was great to see my Fremont family today and catch up on all their holiday happenings including one engagement! Tomorrow I get to visit my Stott family. I'm  lucky to have such positive work environments and it's always good to remember this:
Luckily there are no "games"....teachers are just always hungry!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

January 5, 2014

The last day of winter break called for one more day of sweats! The morning alarm clock will be more than intrusive in the morning but a wonderful way to ease into reality is with a little time spent in England at Downton Abbey! This advice from Lady Violet will send me off to work in the morning!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

January 4, 2014

What a great snow day! We didn't have to go anywhere so it was great to just look out the window and say, "isn't that pretty?!" I spent the day taking down Christmas decorations. The upstairs is almost done and I will be tackling the basement tomorrow. A long time ago I read some advice about Christmas: do what is important to you to celebrate the holidays and then don't complain! I love having two trees and a festive house so therefore I must smile while packing and hauling a UHaul worth of boxes up and down stairs - besides it's good for the gluts!
Goodbye ol' Tannenbaum!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Thursday, January 2, 2014

January 2, 2014

Today Don, Paige, and I met mom, Debby, and the Italian contingent at the Museum of Nature and Science. It was very busy and somewhat challenging to navigate the crowds. Paige complained about all the kids everywhere but I think the plus side was that all these kids were out of the house, interacting with their family, and possibly learning something! 
Noah looking at the dinosaurs

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

January 1, 2014

This is the first entry to my 365 Days of living positive, taking the high road, having a glass half full, seeing the silver get the idea. My positive take on the first day of 2014 is that I began the year with wonderful people who are important to me. Long time friends, Colleen and Dave, Medium long time friends and travel companions, Marie and Jim, super long time husband Don, and my wonderful kids. Great conversation, yummy food, nice wine from Australia, semi-dead fireworks all added up to a great time! Oh...and the sacred cheese ball too!